(function ($) { "use strict"; var wp_shortcode = { // ### Find the next matching shortcode // // Given a shortcode `tag`, a block of `text`, and an optional starting // `index`, returns the next matching shortcode or `undefined`. // // Shortcodes are formatted as an object that contains the match // `content`, the matching `index`, and the parsed `shortcode` object. next: function (tag, text, index) { var re = wp_shortcode.regexp(tag), match, result; re.lastIndex = index || 0; match = re.exec(text); if (!match) { return; } // If we matched an escaped shortcode, try again. if ('[' === match[1] && ']' === match[7]) { return wp_shortcode.next(tag, text, re.lastIndex); } result = { index: match.index, content: match[0], shortcode: wp_shortcode.fromMatch(match) }; // If we matched a leading `[`, strip it from the match // and increment the index accordingly. if (match[1]) { result.content = result.content.slice(1); result.index++; } // If we matched a trailing `]`, strip it from the match. if (match[7]) { result.content = result.content.slice(0, -1); } return result; }, // ### Replace matching shortcodes in a block of text // // Accepts a shortcode `tag`, content `text` to scan, and a `callback` // to process the shortcode matches and return a replacement string. // Returns the `text` with all shortcodes replaced. // // Shortcode matches are objects that contain the shortcode `tag`, // a shortcode `attrs` object, the `content` between shortcode tags, // and a boolean flag to indicate if the match was a `single` tag. replace: function (tag, text, callback) { return text.replace(wp_shortcode.regexp(tag), function (match, left, tag, attrs, slash, content, closing, right) { // If both extra brackets exist, the shortcode has been // properly escaped. if (left === '[' && right === ']') { return match; } // Create the match object and pass it through the callback. var result = callback(wp_shortcode.fromMatch(arguments)); // Make sure to return any of the extra brackets if they // weren't used to escape the shortcode. return result ? left + result + right : match; }); }, // ### Generate a string from shortcode parameters // // Creates a `wp_shortcode` instance and returns a string. // // Accepts the same `options` as the `wp_shortcode()` constructor, // containing a `tag` string, a string or object of `attrs`, a boolean // indicating whether to format the shortcode using a `single` tag, and a // `content` string. string: function (options) { return new wp_shortcode(options).string(); }, // ### Generate a RegExp to identify a shortcode // // The base regex is functionally equivalent to the one found in // `get_shortcode_regex()` in `wp-includes/shortcodes.php`. // // Capture groups: // // 1. An extra `[` to allow for escaping shortcodes with double `[[]]` // 2. The shortcode name // 3. The shortcode argument list // 4. The self closing `/` // 5. The content of a shortcode when it wraps some content. // 6. The closing tag. // 7. An extra `]` to allow for escaping shortcodes with double `[[]]` regexp: _.memoize(function (tag) { return new RegExp('\\[(\\[?)(' + tag + ')(?![\\w-])([^\\]\\/]*(?:\\/(?!\\])[^\\]\\/]*)*?)(?:(\\/)\\]|\\](?:([^\\[]*(?:\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])[^\\[]*)*)(\\[\\/\\2\\]))?)(\\]?)', 'g'); }), // ### Parse shortcode attributes // // Shortcodes accept many types of attributes. These can chiefly be // divided into named and numeric attributes: // // Named attributes are assigned on a key/value basis, while numeric // attributes are treated as an array. // // Named attributes can be formatted as either `name="value"`, // `name='value'`, or `name=value`. Numeric attributes can be formatted // as `"value"` or just `value`. attrs: _.memoize(function (text) { var named = {}, numeric = [], pattern, match; // This regular expression is reused from `shortcode_parse_atts()` // in `wp-includes/shortcodes.php`. // // Capture groups: // // 1. An attribute name, that corresponds to... // 2. a value in double quotes. // 3. An attribute name, that corresponds to... // 4. a value in single quotes. // 5. An attribute name, that corresponds to... // 6. an unquoted value. // 7. A numeric attribute in double quotes. // 8. An unquoted numeric attribute. pattern = /([\w-]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|([\w-]+)\s*=\s*'([^']*)'(?:\s|$)|([\w-]+)\s*=\s*([^\s'"]+)(?:\s|$)|"([^"]*)"(?:\s|$)|(\S+)(?:\s|$)/g; // Map zero-width spaces to actual spaces. text = text.replace(/[\u00a0\u200b]/g, ' '); // Match and normalize attributes. while ((match = pattern.exec(text))) { if (match[1]) { named[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[2]; } else if (match[3]) { named[ match[3].toLowerCase() ] = match[4]; } else if (match[5]) { named[ match[5].toLowerCase() ] = match[6]; } else if (match[7]) { numeric.push(match[7]); } else if (match[8]) { numeric.push(match[8]); } } return { named: named, numeric: numeric }; }), // ### Generate a Shortcode Object from a RegExp match // Accepts a `match` object from calling `regexp.exec()` on a `RegExp` // generated by `wp_shortcode.regexp()`. `match` can also be set to the // `arguments` from a callback passed to `regexp.replace()`. fromMatch: function (match) { var type; if (match[4]) { type = 'self-closing'; } else if (match[6]) { type = 'closed'; } else { type = 'single'; } return new wp_shortcode({ tag: match[2], attrs: match[3], type: type, content: match[5] }); } }; // Shortcode Objects // ----------------- // // Shortcode objects are generated automatically when using the main // `wp_shortcode` methods: `next()`, `replace()`, and `string()`. // // To access a raw representation of a shortcode, pass an `options` object, // containing a `tag` string, a string or object of `attrs`, a string // indicating the `type` of the shortcode ('single', 'self-closing', or // 'closed'), and a `content` string. wp_shortcode = _.extend(function (options) { _.extend(this, _.pick(options || {}, 'tag', 'attrs', 'type', 'content')); var attrs = this.attrs; // Ensure we have a correctly formatted `attrs` object. this.attrs = { named: {}, numeric: [] }; if (!attrs) { return; } // Parse a string of attributes. if (_.isString(attrs)) { this.attrs = wp_shortcode.attrs(attrs); // Identify a correctly formatted `attrs` object. } else if (_.isEqual(_.keys(attrs), ['named', 'numeric'])) { this.attrs = attrs; // Handle a flat object of attributes. } else { _.each(options.attrs, function (value, key) { this.set(key, value); }, this); } }, wp_shortcode); _.extend(wp_shortcode.prototype, { // ### Get a shortcode attribute // // Automatically detects whether `attr` is named or numeric and routes // it accordingly. get: function (attr) { return this.attrs[ _.isNumber(attr) ? 'numeric' : 'named' ][ attr ]; }, // ### Set a shortcode attribute // // Automatically detects whether `attr` is named or numeric and routes // it accordingly. set: function (attr, value) { this.attrs[ _.isNumber(attr) ? 'numeric' : 'named' ][ attr ] = value; return this; }, // ### Transform the shortcode match into a string string: function () { var text = '[' + this.tag; _.each(this.attrs.numeric, function (value) { if (/\s/.test(value)) { text += ' "' + value + '"'; } else { text += ' ' + value; } }); _.each(this.attrs.named, function (value, name) { text += ' ' + name + '="' + value + '"'; }); // If the tag is marked as `single` or `self-closing`, close the // tag and ignore any additional content. if ('single' === this.type) { return text + ']'; } else if ('self-closing' === this.type) { return text + ' /]'; } // Complete the opening tag. text += ']'; if (this.content) { text += this.content; } // Add the closing tag. return text + '[/' + this.tag + ']'; } }); function on_ready_first(completed) { var fired = false; azh.$.holdReady(true); if (azh.document.get(0).readyState === "complete") { setTimeout(function () { if (!fired) { fired = true; completed(); azh.$.holdReady(false); } }); } else if (azh.document.get(0).addEventListener) { azh.document.get(0).addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { if (!fired) { fired = true; completed(); azh.$.holdReady(false); } }, false); azh.window.get(0).addEventListener("load", function () { if (!fired) { fired = true; completed(); azh.$.holdReady(false); } }, false); } else { azh.document.get(0).attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { if (!fired) { fired = true; completed(); azh.$.holdReady(false); } }); azh.window.get(0).attachEvent("onload", function () { if (!fired) { fired = true; completed(); azh.$.holdReady(false); } }); } } function makeid() { var text = "id"; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; } function rgb2hex(rgb) { function hex(x) { return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2); } return "#" + hex(rgb[0]) + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]); } function hex2rgb(hex) { if (hex.lastIndexOf('#') > -1) { hex = hex.replace(/#/, '0x'); } else { hex = '0x' + hex; } var r = hex >> 16; var g = (hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8; var b = hex & 0x0000FF; return [r, g, b]; } function hexToRgbA(hex, alpha) { var c; if (/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}){1,2}$/.test(hex)) { c = hex.substring(1).split(''); if (c.length === 3) { c = [c[0], c[0], c[1], c[1], c[2], c[2]]; } c = '0x' + c.join(''); return 'rgba(' + [(c >> 16) & 255, (c >> 8) & 255, c & 255].join(',') + ',' + alpha + ')'; } return hex; } function htmlEncode(value) { return $('
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if (id) { url = '//www.youtube.com/embed/' + id; url = set_url_argument(url, 'playlist', id); return url; } var id = vimeo_parser(url); if (id) { return '//player.vimeo.com/video/' + id; } return url; } function get_full_width() { var full_width = azh.body.prop("clientWidth"); if ($window.get(0) != azh.window.get(0)) { full_width = azh.window.prop("innerWidth"); } return full_width; } var no_image = ''; var parse_query_string = function (a) { if (a == "") { return {}; } var b = {}; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { var p = a[i].split('='); if (p.length != 2) { continue; } b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } return b; }; var set_url_argument = function (url, argument, value) { url = url.split('?'); var args = {}; if (url.length === 2) { args = parse_query_string(url[1].split('&')); } var query = {}; for (var arg in args) { if (arg === argument) { query[arg] = encodeURIComponent(value); } else { query[arg] = encodeURIComponent(args[arg]); } } if (!(argument in args)) { query[argument] = encodeURIComponent(value); } query = Object.entries(query).map(function callback(currentValue, index, array) { return currentValue[0] + '=' + currentValue[1]; }); if (url.length === 1) { url.push(query.join('&')); } else { url[1] = query.join('&'); } if (url[1] !== '') { url = url.join('?'); } else { url = url[0]; } return url; }; var get_url_argument = function (url, argument) { url = url.split('?'); var args = {}; if (url.length === 2) { args = parse_query_string(url[1].split('&')); } if (argument in args) { return args[argument]; } return false; }; var style_in_page = function (css, verbose) { if (typeof getComputedStyle == "undefined") getComputedStyle = function (elem) { return elem.currentStyle; } var who, hoo, values = [], val, nodes = azh.document.get(0).body.getElementsByTagName('*'), L = nodes.length; for (var i = 0; i < L; i++) { who = nodes[i]; if (who.style) { hoo = '#' + (who.id || who.nodeName + '(' + i + ')'); val = who.style.fontFamily || getComputedStyle(who, '')[css]; if (val) { if (verbose) values.push([hoo, val]); else if (values.indexOf(val) == -1) values.push(val); } var val_before = getComputedStyle(who, ':before')[css]; if (val_before) { if (verbose) values.push([hoo, val_before]); else if (values.indexOf(val_before) == -1) values.push(val_before); } var val_after = getComputedStyle(who, ':after')[css]; if (val_after) { if (verbose) values.push([hoo, val_after]); else if (values.indexOf(val_after) == -1) values.push(val_after); } } } return values; }; var fixed_inner_html = '.az-fixed-inner-html, .az-gmap'; var empty_inner_html = '.az-empty-inner-html, iframe, [data-shortcode], [data-element*="shortcode"]'; var store_html = function (wrapper) { var $wrapper = azh.$(wrapper); var tag = wrapper.outerHTML; if (wrapper.innerHTML !== '') { tag = wrapper.outerHTML.replace('>' + wrapper.innerHTML + '<', '><'); } if (tag.indexOf('>= 0) { tag = tag.split('>'); $wrapper.data('azh-close-tag', ''; } } }); } } return html; }; var recognition = function ($wrapper) { function get_subtree_path($element) { var attributes = []; azh.$($element.get(0).attributes).each(function () { attributes.push(this.nodeName); }); var path = { tagName: $element.prop('tagName'), attributes: attributes, css: $element.css(['display', 'float', 'position']), children: [] }; $element.children().each(function () { path.children.push(get_subtree_path(azh.$(this))); }); return path; } function search_cloneable($element, hashes) { var depth = 1; var children_hash = false; var cloneable = true; if (!$element.is(empty_inner_html)) { $element.children().each(function () { var d = search_cloneable(azh.$(this)); if (depth < d) { depth = d + 1; } if (depth < 10) { var hash = hashCode(JSON.stringify(get_subtree_path(azh.$(this), 0))); if (!children_hash) { children_hash = hash; } else { if (children_hash != hash) { cloneable = false; return false; } } } }); if ($element.children().length > 1 && children_hash && cloneable) { if (!$element.attr('data-cloneable') && !$element.attr('data-cloneable-inline')) { if ($element.find('> [class*="-col-"]').length === 0) { $element.attr('data-cloneable', ''); set_stored_attribute($element, 'data-cloneable', ''); } } } } return depth; } //cloneable $wrapper.find('ul, ol').each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); $element.attr('data-cloneable', ''); set_stored_attribute($element, 'data-cloneable', ''); }); search_cloneable($wrapper); //set styles inline var doc = azh.document.get(0); for (var s = 0; s < doc.styleSheets.length; s++) { try { var rules = doc.styleSheets[s].rules || doc.styleSheets[s].cssRules; if (rules) { for (var r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) { if ('selectorText' in rules[r] && rules[r].selectorText.indexOf('#') === 0 && rules[r].selectorText.indexOf(' ') < 0 && rules[r].selectorText.indexOf(',') < 0) { var $element = azh.$(rules[r].selectorText); if ($element.length === 1 && azh.$.contains($wrapper, $element)) { var match = /[\S\s]*{([^{}]*)}[\S\s]*/.exec(rules[r].cssText); if (match.length > 1) { var style = match[1]; var properties = style.split(';'); for (var p = 0; p < properties.length; p++) { var property = properties[p].split(':'); $element.css(property[0], property[1]); set_stored_style($element, property[0], property[1]); } } } } //background-image } } } catch (e) { } } //icons //tabs }; var shortcodes_refresh = function ($wrapper) { $wrapper.find('[data-shortcode]').addBack().filter('[data-shortcode]').each(function () { var $shortcode = azh.$(this); var instance = $shortcode.attr('data-shortcode'); var shortcode = azh.shortcode_instances[instance]; $.post(azh.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'azh_update_shortcode', 'post_id': azh.post_id, 'instance': instance, 'shortcode': shortcode }, function (data) { if (data) { var $section = $shortcode.closest('[data-section]'); $shortcode.replaceWith(data); $shortcode.find('a[href]').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); $shortcode = $section.find('[data-shortcode="' + instance + '"]'); store_html($shortcode.get(0)); azh.section_customization_init($section); } }); }); $wrapper.find('[data-element*="shortcode"]').addBack().filter('[data-element*="shortcode"]').each(function () { var $shortcode = azh.$(this); var instance = $shortcode.attr('data-element'); var shortcode = azh.shortcode_instances[instance]; if (instance === 'shortcode' || !shortcode) { instance = 'shortcode: ' + makeid(); shortcode = $shortcode.html(); azh.shortcode_instances[instance] = shortcode; $shortcode.attr('data-element', instance); set_stored_attribute($shortcode, 'data-element', instance); $shortcode.data('element', instance); } $.post(azh.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'azh_update_shortcode', 'post_id': azh.post_id, 'instance': instance, 'shortcode': shortcode }, function (data) { if (data) { $shortcode.html(data); $shortcode.find('a[href]').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); } }); }); }; function clone_shortcodes($wrapper) { // $wrapper.find('[data-shortcode]').addBack().filter('[data-shortcode]').each(function() { // var $shortcode = azh.$(this); // var instance = $shortcode.data('shortcode'); // var shortcode = azh.shortcode_instances[instance]; // if (shortcode) { // instance = makeid(); // azh.shortcode_instances[instance] = shortcode; // $shortcode.attr('shortcode', instance); // set_stored_attribute($shortcode, 'shortcode', instance); // } // }); $wrapper.find('[data-element*="shortcode"]').addBack().filter('[data-element*="shortcode"]').each(function () { var $shortcode = azh.$(this); var instance = $shortcode.attr('data-element'); var shortcode = azh.shortcode_instances[instance]; if (shortcode) { instance = 'shortcode: ' + makeid(); azh.shortcode_instances[instance] = shortcode; $shortcode.attr('data-element', instance); set_stored_attribute($shortcode, 'data-element', instance); $shortcode.data('element', instance); } }); } var section_refresh = function ($wrapper, html) { $('.wp-picker-open').trigger('click'); var scrollTop = azh.window.scrollTop(); save_utility_state(); var saved_utility = $wrapper.is('.azh-saved-utility'); if (html === undefined) { azh.liquid_prepare($wrapper); html = extract_html($wrapper.wrap('
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"/" : "") + ">"; }, end: function (tag) { //''; }, chars: function (text) { //text; } }); $element.data('azh-open-tag', open_tag); azh.change(); return pattern_value; }; var remove_stored_attribute = function ($element, attribute) { var open_tag = ''; AZHParser($element.data('azh-open-tag'), { start: function (tag, attrs, unary) { open_tag += "<" + tag; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (attrs[i].name !== attribute) { if (attrs[i].value.indexOf('"') >= 0 && attrs[i].value.indexOf("'") < 0) { open_tag += " " + attrs[i].name + "='" + attrs[i].value + "'"; } else { open_tag += " " + attrs[i].name + '="' + attrs[i].escaped + '"'; } } } open_tag += (unary ? "/" : "") + ">"; }, end: function (tag) { //''; }, chars: function (text) { //text; } }); $element.data('azh-open-tag', open_tag); azh.change(); }; var add_to_stored_classes = function ($element, class_name) { var classes = get_stored_attribute($element, 'class'); if (classes) { classes = classes.split(' ').filter(function (value) { return value !== '' }); } else { classes = []; } classes.push($.trim(class_name)); classes = classes.filter(function (value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }).join(' '); set_stored_attribute($element, 'class', classes); }; var remove_from_stored_classes = function ($element, class_name) { var classes = get_stored_attribute($element, 'class'); if (classes) { classes = classes.split(' ').filter(function (value) { return value !== '' }); } else { classes = []; } var index = classes.indexOf($.trim(class_name)); if (index > -1) { classes.splice(index, 1); } classes = classes.join(' '); set_stored_attribute($element, 'class', classes); }; var get_stored_style = function ($element, property, pattern) { var style = get_stored_attribute($element, 'style'); var properties = []; if (style) { properties = style.split(';'); } style = ''; var value = ''; $(properties).each(function () { var match = /\s*([\w-]+):\s*(.*)\s*/.exec(this); if (match) { if ($.trim(match[1]) === property) { value = match[2]; return false; } } }); if (pattern) { var match = value.match(pattern); if (match && match.length === 4) { return match[2]; } else { return ''; } } else { return value; } }; var get_media = function (screen_width) { var media = false; if (screen_width && ('min' in screen_width || 'max' in screen_width)) { media = []; if ('min' in screen_width) { media.push('(min-width: ' + screen_width.min + 'px)'); } if ('max' in screen_width) { media.push('(max-width: ' + screen_width.max + 'px)'); } media = media.join(' and '); media = '@media ' + media; } return media; }; var get_stored_rule = function ($element, screen_width, rule_selector, property, pattern) { var value = ''; var $style = $element.children('style.az-css-rules'); rule_selector = $.trim(rule_selector); if ($style.length) { var parsed = azh.cssjs.parseCSS($style.text()); var media = get_media(screen_width); if (media) { $(parsed).each(function () { if (this.type === 'media' && this.selector === media) { $(this.subStyles).each(function () { if (this.selector === rule_selector) { $(this.rules).each(function () { if (this.directive === property) { value = this.value; } }); } }); } }); } else { $(parsed).each(function () { if (this.selector === rule_selector) { $(this.rules).each(function () { if (this.directive === property) { value = this.value; } }); } }); } } if (pattern) { var match = value.match(pattern); if (match && match.length === 4) { return match[2]; } else { return ''; } } else { return value; } }; var set_stored_style = function ($element, property, value, pattern, default_value) { var pattern_value = value; var style = get_stored_attribute($element, 'style'); var properties = []; if (style) { properties = style.split(';'); } style = ''; var updated = false; $(properties).each(function () { var match = /\s*([\w-]+):\s*(.*)\s*/.exec(this); 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$(properties).each(function () { var match = /\s*([\w-]+):\s*(.*)\s*/.exec(this); if (match) { if ($.trim(match[1]) == property) { if (value !== '') { if (pattern) { var m = pattern.test(match[2]); if (m) { style += match[1] + ': ' + match[2].replace(pattern, '$1' + value + '$3') + '; '; updated = true; } } else { style += match[1] + ': ' + value + '; '; updated = true; } } } else { style += match[1] + ': ' + match[2] + '; '; } } }); if (!updated && value !== '') { if (pattern && default_value) { style += property + ': ' + default_value.replace(pattern, '$1' + value + '$3'); } else { style += property + ': ' + value; } } if (style || old_style) { set_stored_attribute($element, attr, style); } }; var set_stored_responsive_style = function ($element, property, value) { if (azh.device_prefix === 'lg') { set_stored_style($element, property, value); } else { set_stored_attr_style($element, 'data-responsive-' + azh.device_prefix, property, value); } } var get_stored_responsive_style = function ($element, property) { var v = get_stored_style($element, property); 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var rule_selector = options['rule_selector']; var id = $element.attr('id'); if (id) { rule_selector = options['rule_selector'].split(',').map(function (sel) { return '#' + id + sel; }).join(','); } if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { var prefix = $control.data('azh-responsive').replace('data-responsive-', ''); value = get_stored_rule($element, azh.device_prefixes[prefix], rule_selector, property); } else { value = get_stored_rule($element, false, rule_selector, property); } } else { var $multiplying_element = $element; if (options['multiplying_selector']) { $multiplying_element = $multiplying_element.find(options['multiplying_selector']).first(); } var value = get_stored_style($multiplying_element, property); if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { value = get_stored_attr_style($multiplying_element, $control.data('azh-responsive'), property); } else { if (options['attribute']) { value = get_stored_attr_style($multiplying_element, options['attribute'], property); } } } return value; } function set_style_property($control, options, $element, property, value) { function set_style_property_prefixes_multiplying($control, options, $element, property, value) { if (options['prefixes'] && options['prefixes'].length) { for (var p = 0; p < options['prefixes'].length; p++) { var prefixed_property = options['prefixes'][p] + property; set_style_property_multiplying($control, options, $element, prefixed_property, value); } } } function set_style_property_multiplying($control, options, $element, property, value) { if ('rule_selector' in options && options['rule_selector']) { var id = $element.attr('id'); if (!id) { id = makeid(); $element.attr('id', id); set_stored_attribute($element, 'id', id); } var rule_selector = options['rule_selector'].split(',').map(function (sel) { return '#' + id + sel; }).join(','); if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { var prefix = $control.data('azh-responsive').replace('data-responsive-', ''); set_stored_rule($element, azh.device_prefixes[prefix], rule_selector, property, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); } else { set_stored_rule($element, false, rule_selector, property, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); } } else { if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { set_stored_attr_style($element, $control.data('azh-responsive'), property, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); var style = get_stored_attribute($element, $control.data('azh-responsive')); if (style !== false) { $element.attr($control.data('azh-responsive'), style); } } else { if (options['attribute']) { set_stored_attr_style($element, options['attribute'], property, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.attr(options['attribute'], get_stored_attribute($element, options['attribute'])); } else { var pattern_value = set_stored_style($element, property, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.css(property, pattern_value); } } } } if (options['multiplying_selector']) { $element.find(options['multiplying_selector']).each(function () { set_style_property_multiplying($control, options, azh.$(this), property, value); set_style_property_prefixes_multiplying($control, options, azh.$(this), property, value); }); } else { set_style_property_multiplying($control, options, $element, property, value); set_style_property_prefixes_multiplying($control, options, $element, property, value); } } function get_attribute_value($control, options, $element, attribute) { var value = ''; var $multiplying_element = $element; if (options['multiplying_selector']) { $multiplying_element = $element.find(options['multiplying_selector']).first(); } if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { value = get_stored_attribute($multiplying_element, $control.data('azh-responsive')); } else { value = get_stored_attribute($multiplying_element, attribute); } value = get_value_by_pattern(options, value); $control.attr('data-value', value); return value; } function set_attribute_value($control, options, $element, attribute, value) { var pattern_value = ''; if (options['multiplying_selector']) { if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { $element.find(options['multiplying_selector']).each(function () { pattern_value = set_stored_attribute(azh.$(this), $control.data('azh-responsive'), value, options['pattern'], options['default']); azh.$(this).attr($control.data('azh-responsive'), pattern_value); }); } else { $element.find(options['multiplying_selector']).each(function () { pattern_value = set_stored_attribute(azh.$(this), attribute, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); azh.$(this).attr(attribute, pattern_value); }); } } else { if ($control.data('azh-responsive')) { pattern_value = set_stored_attribute($element, $control.data('azh-responsive'), value, options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.attr($control.data('azh-responsive'), pattern_value); } else { pattern_value = set_stored_attribute($element, attribute, value, options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.attr(attribute, pattern_value); } } $control.attr('data-value', pattern_value); } function get_value_by_pattern(options, value) { if (options['pattern']) { var match = false; if (value && (match = value.match(options['pattern']))) { if (match.length === 4) { value = match[2]; } } else { value = options['default']; var match = value.match(options['pattern']); value = match[2]; } } return value; } function integer_mouse_drag($input) { $input.on('mousedown', function (event) { var $input = $(this); $input.data('azh-drag', true); $input.data('azh-drag-y', event.pageY); $input.data('azh-start-drag-y', event.pageY); azh.document_off('mouseup.mouse-drag').document_on('mouseup.mouse-drag', function (e) { if ($input.data('azh-start-drag-y') === e.pageY) { $input.trigger('change'); } $input.data('azh-drag', false); if (!$input.is(':hover')) { azh.document_off('mouseup.mouse-drag'); } }); azh.document_off('mousemove.mouse-drag').document_on('mousemove.mouse-drag', function (e) { if ($input.data('azh-drag')) { var d = $input.data('azh-drag-y') - e.pageY; if ($input.attr('step')) { d = d * $input.attr('step'); } var v = parseFloat($input.val()) + d; v = isNaN(v) ? 0 : v; $input.val(v).trigger('change'); $input.data('azh-drag-y', e.pageY); } }); }).on('mouseleave', function (event) { var $input = $(this); if (!$input.data('azh-drag') && !$input.is(':hover')) { } }).on('contextmenu', function (event) { var $input = $(this); $input.val('').trigger('change'); return false; }).addClass('azh-integer-mouse-drag'); } var $section_or_element = $element.closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [class*="azh-col-"].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); if (options['target_utility']) { $section_or_element = $element.closest(options['target_utility']).closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [class*="azh-col-"].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); } var $utility = get_utility($section_or_element); if ($target_utility) { if ('menu' in options && options['menu'] == 'utility') { if (!$target_utility.is($utility)) { return; } } else { return; } } if ($element.parents('[data-element*="shortcode"]').length) { return; } if (options['not_selector']) { if ($element.is(options['not_selector'])) { return; } } var controls = $element.data('azh-linked-controls'); if (!controls) { controls = []; } var exists = false; $(controls).each(function () { var existing_options = this.data('azh-options'); if (existing_options) { if (!('selector' in options)) { if ('attribute' in options && 'attribute' in existing_options && options['attribute'] === existing_options['attribute'] && !('property' in options) && !('properties' in options) && (options['type'] != 'background-image') && (options['type'] != 'font-family') && 'menu' in options && 'menu' in existing_options && options['menu'] === existing_options['menu']) { exists = true; return false; } if ('property' in options && 'property' in existing_options && options['property'] === existing_options['property'] && 'control_type' in options && 'control_type' in existing_options && options['control_type'] === existing_options['control_type'] && 'menu' in options && 'menu' in existing_options && options['menu'] === existing_options['menu'] && options['attribute'] === existing_options['attribute'] ) { exists = true; return false; } } else { var o = $.extend({}, options); var eo = $.extend({}, existing_options); delete o['order']; delete eo['order']; delete o['selector']; delete eo['selector']; delete o['pattern']; delete eo['pattern']; delete o['default']; delete eo['default']; delete o['group']; delete eo['group']; if (JSON.stringify(o) === JSON.stringify(eo)) { exists = true; return false; } } if (JSON.stringify(options) === JSON.stringify(existing_options)) { exists = true; return false; } } }); if (!exists) { var $control = $('
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').appendTo($control); var $input = $('').appendTo($control).on('change', function () { var $this = $(this); var $control = $this.closest('.azh-control'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var units = $control.data('azh-units') ? $control.data('azh-units') : ''; var value = $this.val() ? $this.val() + units : ''; set_attribute_value($control, options, $element, options['attribute'], value); if (options['refresh']) { if (typeof options['refresh'] === 'function') { options['refresh']($control, $element); } else { section_refresh($element.closest('[data-section]')); } } $element.trigger('azh-change'); $control.trigger('azh-change'); }).on('mousewheel', function (e) { var $this = $(this); var $control = $this.closest('.azh-control'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var step = options['step'] ? options['step'] : 1; if ($this.data('focus')) { var d = step * e.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120; $this.val($this.val() + d); $this.trigger('change'); return false; } }); integer_mouse_drag($input); add_units(); add_responsive(function ($control) { // $control.find('input').trigger('change'); $control.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').slider('value', $control.find('input').val()); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var options = $this.data('azh-options'); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var value = get_attribute_value($this, options, $element, options['attribute']); if ('min' in options && 'max' in options && 'step' in options || options['slider']) { if ($this.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').length) { if (value) { var v = $this.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').slider('value'); if (v !== parseFloat(value)) { $this.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').slider('value', value); } } } else { var min = 0; var max = 100; var step = 1; var units = $this.data('azh-units'); if (options['min']) { min = parseFloat(options['min']); } else if (units && options['units'] && options['units'][units] && options['units'][units]['min']) { min = parseFloat(options['units'][units]['min']); } if (options['max']) { max = parseFloat(options['max']); } else if (units && options['units'] && options['units'][units] && options['units'][units]['max']) { max = parseFloat(options['units'][units]['max']); } if (options['step']) { step = parseFloat(options['step']); } else if (units && options['units'] && options['units'][units] && options['units'][units]['step']) { step = parseFloat(options['units'][units]['step']); } $this.find('.azh-slider').slider({ min: min, max: max, step: step, value: value ? parseFloat(value) : 0, slide: function (event, ui) { if (event.which) { if (!options['refresh']) { $this.find('input').val(parseFloat(ui.value)).trigger('change'); } } }, change: function (event, ui) { if (event.which) { if (options['refresh']) { $this.find('input').val(parseFloat(ui.value)).trigger('change'); } $this.trigger('azh-change'); } } }).find('.ui-slider-handle').on('contextmenu', function () { $(this).closest('.azh-slider').slider("option", "value", 0); $this.find('input').val('').trigger('change'); return false; }); } } $this.find('input').val(parseFloat(value)); if (value) { var units = ''; if (value.split(/[\-\.0-9]+/g).length === 2) { units = value.split(/[\-\.0-9]+/g).pop(); } $this.data('azh-units', units); $this.find('[data-units="' + units + '"]').trigger('click'); } }); break; case 'input-attribute': $('').appendTo($control).on('change', function () { var $this = $(this); var $control = $this.closest('.azh-control'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var value = $this.val(); if (options['filter'] && options['filter'] in azh) { value = azh[options['filter']](value); $this.val(value); } set_attribute_value($control, options, $element, options['attribute'], value); if (options['refresh']) { if (typeof options['refresh'] === 'function') { options['refresh']($control, $element); } else { section_refresh($element.closest('[data-section]')); } } $element.trigger('azh-change'); $control.trigger('azh-change'); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var options = $this.data('azh-options'); var value = get_attribute_value($this, options, $element, options['attribute']); var $input = $this.find('input').val(value); $this.attr('data-value', value); if (options['unique']) { if (options['unique_exception']) { if ($element.is(options['unique_exception'])) { return; } } var $unique_wrapper = $element.closest('[data-section]'); if (options['unique_wrapper']) { $unique_wrapper = $element.closest(options['unique_wrapper']); } var unique = options['unique']; var pattern = new RegExp('{' + options['attribute'] + '}', "g"); unique = unique.replace(pattern, $input.val()); if ($unique_wrapper.find(unique).length > 1) { $this.find('label').get(0).style.setProperty("color", "red", "important"); $this.find('input').get(0).style.setProperty("color", "red", "important"); $this.attr('title', azh.i18n.value_must_be_unique_in_this_scope); } else { $this.find('label').get(0).style.setProperty("color", "", ""); $this.find('input').get(0).style.setProperty("color", "", ""); $this.attr('title', ''); } } }); break; case 'textarea-attribute': $('').appendTo($control).on('change', function () { var $this = $(this); var $control = $this.closest('.azh-control'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var pattern_value = set_stored_attribute($element, options['attribute'], $this.val(), options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.attr(options['attribute'], pattern_value); $control.attr('data-value', pattern_value); if (options['refresh']) { if (typeof options['refresh'] === 'function') { options['refresh']($control, $element); } else { section_refresh($element.closest('[data-section]')); } } $element.trigger('azh-change'); $control.trigger('azh-change'); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var value = $element.attr($this.data('azh-options')['attribute']); value = get_value_by_pattern(options, value); var $textarea = $this.find('textarea').val(value); $this.attr('data-value', value); }); break; case 'url-attribute': $('').appendTo($control).on('change', function () { var $this = $(this); var $control = $this.closest('.azh-control'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var pattern_value = set_stored_attribute($element, options['attribute'], $this.val(), options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.attr(options['attribute'], pattern_value); $control.attr('data-value', pattern_value); if (options['refresh']) { if (typeof options['refresh'] === 'function') { options['refresh']($control, $element); } else { section_refresh($element.closest('[data-section]')); } } $element.trigger('azh-change'); $control.trigger('azh-change'); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var value = $element.attr(options['attribute']); value = get_value_by_pattern(options, value); var $input = $this.find('input').val(value); $this.attr('data-value', value); }); $('
' + azh.i18n.edit_link + '
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' + azh.i18n.edit_link + '
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' + options['properties'][property] + '
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return false; } }); integer_mouse_drag($input); add_units(); add_responsive(function ($control) { // $control.find('input').trigger('change'); $control.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').slider('value', $control.find('input').val()); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var options = $this.data('azh-options'); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var value = get_style_property($this, options, $element, options['property']); value = get_value_by_pattern(options, value); if ('min' in options && 'max' in options && 'step' in options || options['slider']) { if ($this.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').length) { if (value) { var v = $this.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').slider('value'); if (v !== parseFloat(value)) { $this.find('.azh-slider.ui-slider').slider('value', value); } } } else { var min = 0; var max = 100; var step = 1; var units = $this.data('azh-units'); if (options['min']) { min = parseFloat(options['min']); } else if (units && options['units'] && options['units'][units] && options['units'][units]['min']) { min = parseFloat(options['units'][units]['min']); 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return false; }); } } $this.find('input').val(parseFloat(value)); if (value) { var units = ''; if (value.split(/[\-\.0-9]+/g).length === 2) { units = value.split(/[\-\.0-9]+/g).pop(); } $this.data('azh-units', units); $this.find('[data-units="' + units + '"]').trigger('click'); } }); break; case 'color-style': $control.addClass('azh-color'); $('').appendTo($control).on('change', function () { var $control = $(this).closest('.azh-control'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var color = hexToRgbA($control.find('input[type="text"]').val(), 1); set_style_property($control, options, $element, options['property'], color); if (options['refresh']) { $(this).wpColorPicker('close'); if (typeof options['refresh'] === 'function') { options['refresh']($control, $element); } else { section_refresh($element.closest('[data-section]')); } } $element.trigger('azh-change'); $control.trigger('azh-change'); }); add_responsive(function ($control) { // $control.find('input').trigger('change'); $control.find('input').wpColorPicker('color', $control.find('input').val()); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var options = $this.data('azh-options'); var color = get_style_property($this, options, $element, options['property']); color = get_value_by_pattern(options, color); var $input = $this.find('input[type="text"]').val(color); if ($input.closest('.wp-picker-container').length) { $input.wpColorPicker('color', color); } else { $input.wpColorPicker({ change: function (event, ui) { if (options['refresh']) { $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function () { var color = ui.color.toString(); // if (hexToRgbA($input.val(), 1) !== hexToRgbA(color, 1)) { $input.val(color); $input.trigger('change'); // } $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave'); }); } else { var color = ui.color.toString(); if (hexToRgbA($input.val(), 1) !== hexToRgbA(color, 1)) { $input.val(color); $input.trigger('change'); } } $this.trigger('azh-change'); }, clear: function (event) { if (event.type === 'click') { if (options['refresh']) { $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function () { $input.val(''); $input.trigger('change'); $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave'); }); } else { $input.trigger('change'); } $this.trigger('azh-change'); } } }); } }); break; case 'color-attribute': $control.addClass('azh-color'); $('').appendTo($control).on('change', function () { var $control = $(this).closest('.azh-control'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var color = $control.find('input[type="text"]').val(); if (options['alpha']) { color = hexToRgbA(color, 1); } var pattern_value = set_stored_attribute($element, options['attribute'], color, options['pattern'], options['default']); $element.attr(options['attribute'], pattern_value); if (options['refresh']) { $(this).wpColorPicker('close'); if (typeof options['refresh'] === 'function') { options['refresh']($control, $element); } else { section_refresh($element.closest('[data-section]')); } } $element.trigger('azh-change'); $control.trigger('azh-change'); }); $control.on('azh-init', function () { var $this = $(this); var $element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); var options = $this.data('azh-options'); var color = $element.attr(options['attribute']); color = get_value_by_pattern(options, color); var $input = $this.find('input[type="text"]').val(color); if ($input.closest('.wp-picker-container').length) { $input.wpColorPicker('color', color); } else { $input.wpColorPicker({ change: function (event, ui) { if (options['refresh']) { $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function () { var color = ui.color.toString(); // if (hexToRgbA($input.val(), 1) !== hexToRgbA(color, 1)) { $input.val(color); $input.trigger('change'); // } $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave'); }); } else { var color = ui.color.toString(); if (hexToRgbA($input.val(), 1) !== hexToRgbA(color, 1)) { $input.val(color); $input.trigger('change'); } } $this.trigger('azh-change'); }, clear: function (event) { if (event.type === 'click') { if (options['refresh']) { $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function () { $input.trigger('change'); $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').off('mouseleave'); }); } else { $input.trigger('change'); } $this.trigger('azh-change'); } } }); } }); break; case 'toggle-attribute': var $checkbox = $('').prependTo($control).on('change', function () { var $this = $(this); var $control = $this.closest('.azh-control'); var $element = $control.data('azh-linked-node'); var options = $control.data('azh-options'); if ($this.prop('checked')) { $element.attr(options['attribute'], ('true_value' in options ? options['true_value'] : 'true')); set_stored_attribute($element, options['attribute'], ('true_value' in options ? options['true_value'] : 'true')); $control.attr('data-value', 'true'); 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').appendTo($operations).on('click', function (event) { var free_position_rect = $free_position.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); var lasso_rect = $lasso.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); $free_position.trigger('mousedown'); $free_position.trigger('mouseup'); var $cloneable = $elements.parent(); var $element_wrapper = $elements.first(); var $group = clone_for_new_element($element_wrapper); $group.removeClass('azh-selected'); $group.addClass('az-group'); add_to_stored_classes($group, 'az-group'); $group.data('azh-controls').addClass('az-fixed-controls'); var $button = get_remove_element_button($group.data('azh-controls')); $button.data('azh-linked-element', $group); $button = get_add_element_button($group.data('azh-controls'), true); $button.data('azh-linked-element', $group); $button = get_add_element_button($group.data('azh-controls'), false); $button.data('azh-linked-element', $group); $button = get_copy_element_button($group.data('azh-controls')); $button.data('azh-linked-element', $group); $group.attr('data-element', 'free-positioning/free-positioning.htm'); set_stored_attribute($group, 'data-element', 'free-positioning/free-positioning.htm'); $group.html('
'); store_html($group.get(0)); $elements.detach(); customization_init($group); $group.find('.az-elements-list').append($elements); var s = 1; if ($free_position.is('.azh-zoom')) { s = $free_position.data('azh-scale'); } var delta_x = (lasso_rect.left - free_position_rect.left) / s - azh.device_left / s; var delta_y = (lasso_rect.top - free_position_rect.top) / s; var delta_width = (lasso_rect.width - free_position_rect.width) / s; var delta_height = (lasso_rect.height - free_position_rect.height) / s; reset_free_positioning($group); set_top_alignment($group); set_left_alignment($group); set_top($group, delta_y); set_left($group, delta_x); set_width($group, lasso_rect.width / s); set_height($group, lasso_rect.height / s); $elements.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); if ($element.is('.az-left')) { set_left($element, get_left($element) - delta_x); } if ($element.is('.az-center')) { set_center($element, get_center($element) - delta_x - delta_width / 2); } if ($element.is('.az-right')) { set_right($element, get_right($element) + delta_x + delta_width); } if ($element.is('.az-top')) { set_top($element, get_top($element) - delta_y); } if ($element.is('.az-middle')) { set_middle($element, get_middle($element) - delta_y - delta_height / 2); } if ($element.is('.az-bottom')) { set_bottom($element, get_bottom($element) + delta_y + delta_height); } }); setTimeout(function () { $group.trigger('click'); var $element_controls = $group.data('azh-controls'); if ($element_controls) { $element_controls.find('.azh-utility-wrapper').trigger('click'); } }); _.defer(refresh_elements_hierarchy_partial, $free_position); remove_buttons($elements, '.azh-add-element'); add_unmerge_button($group); }); } } else { $free_position.data('azh-lasso').remove(); $free_position.data('azh-lasso', false); } }); azh.$('.azh-lasso-transform').each(function () { lasso = true; var $free_position = azh.$(this); $free_position.removeClass('azh-lasso-transform'); }); if (lasso) { return false; } }); $free_position.on('click', function (e) { var $free_position = azh.$(this); }).on('mouseenter', function (e) { var $free_position = azh.$(this); }).on('mouseleave', function (e) { var $free_position = azh.$(this); }).on('mousedown', function (e) { var $free_position = azh.$(this); if (!$free_position.parents('.az-free-positioning').length && !$free_position.find('.azh-transform').length && !$free_position.find('.azh-editing').length && ($free_position.is(e.target) || !azh.$(e.target).parentsUntil($free_position).filter('[draggable]').length)) { closest_descendents($free_position, '[data-element]').filter('.azh-selected').each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); $element.data('azh-selection').remove(); $element.data('azh-selection', false); $element.removeClass('azh-selected'); }); $free_position.addClass('azh-lasso'); $free_position.data('pageX', e.pageX); $free_position.data('pageY', e.pageY); var $lasso = $free_position.data('azh-lasso'); if (!$lasso) { $lasso = $('
').appendTo(azh.controls_container); $lasso.data('azh-linked-element', $free_position); $free_position.data('azh-lasso', $lasso); } $lasso.empty(); $lasso.css({ left: $free_position.data('pageX'), top: $free_position.data('pageY'), width: 0, height: 0, }); return false; } }); } function has_stored_css_property($element, property) { var property_pattern = new RegExp('(^' + property + '|[ \\"\\\'\\;]' + property + ')\\s*:', 'i'); if ($element.attr('style').match(property_pattern)) { var style = get_stored_attribute($element, 'style'); if (style !== false) { if (style.match(property_pattern)) { return true; } } } return false; } function has_stored_hover_property($element, property) { var property_pattern = new RegExp('(^' + property + '|[ \\"\\\'\\;]' + property + ')\\s*:', 'i'); if ($element.attr('data-hover').match(property_pattern)) { var style = get_stored_attribute($element, 'data-hover'); if (style !== false) { if (style.match(property_pattern)) { return true; } } } return false; } function open_shortcode_settings($shortcode, callback) { function edit_shortcode(code) { open_modal({ "title": azh.i18n.shortcode_edit, "desc": "", "label": azh.i18n.shortcode }, $.trim(azh.shortcode_instances[code]), function (shortcode) { azh.shortcode_instances[code] = shortcode; $.post(azh.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'azh_update_shortcode', 'post_id': azh.post_id, 'instance': code, 'shortcode': shortcode }, function (data) { if (data) { $shortcode.html(data); $shortcode.find('a[href]').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); if (callback) { callback(); } } }); azh.change(); }); } if ('shortcode_instances' in azh && azh.shortcode_instances && $shortcode.attr('data-shortcode') in azh.shortcode_instances) { var match = get_shortcode_match(azh.shortcode_instances[$shortcode.attr('data-shortcode')]); if (match) { var name = match[2]; var values = wp_shortcode.attrs(match[3]).named; var content = match[5]; var settings = azh.shortcodes[name]; values['content'] = content; azh.open_element_settings_dialog(settings, values, function (shortcode, attrs) { var shortcode = make_shortcode(settings, shortcode, attrs); azh.shortcode_instances[$shortcode.attr('data-shortcode')] = shortcode; var instance = $shortcode.attr('data-shortcode'); $.post(azh.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'azh_update_shortcode', 'post_id': azh.post_id, 'instance': instance, 'shortcode': shortcode }, function (data) { if (data) { var $section = $shortcode.closest('[data-section]'); $shortcode.replaceWith(data); $shortcode.find('a[href]').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); $shortcode = $section.find('[data-shortcode="' + instance + '"]'); store_html($shortcode.get(0)); azh.section_customization_init($section); if (callback) { callback(); } } }); azh.change(); }); } } else { if ($shortcode.is('[data-element*="shortcode"]')) { var code = $shortcode.attr('data-element'); var shortcode = ''; if (!$shortcode.children().length) { shortcode = $shortcode.text(); } if ('shortcode_instances' in azh && azh.shortcode_instances && code in azh.shortcode_instances) { shortcode = azh.shortcode_instances[code] } else { code = 'shortcode: ' + makeid(); $shortcode.attr('data-element', code); set_stored_attribute($shortcode, 'data-element', code); azh.shortcode_instances[code] = shortcode; } var match = get_shortcode_match(shortcode); if (match) { var name = match[2]; var values = wp_shortcode.attrs(match[3]).named; var content = match[5]; values['content'] = content; if (azh.shortcodes[name]) { var settings = azh.shortcodes[name]; azh.open_element_settings_dialog(settings, values, function (shortcode, attrs) { var shortcode = make_shortcode(settings, shortcode, attrs); azh.shortcode_instances[code] = shortcode; $.post(azh.ajaxurl, { 'action': 'azh_update_shortcode', 'post_id': azh.post_id, 'instance': code, 'shortcode': shortcode }, function (data) { if (data) { $shortcode.html(data); $shortcode.find('a[href]').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); if (callback) { callback(); } } }); azh.change(); }); } else { edit_shortcode(code); } } else { edit_shortcode(code); } } } } function generate_modal_buttons($wrapper, $target_utility) { if ('modal_options' in azh) { var order = 1; $(azh.modal_options).each(function () { var options = this; if ($target_utility) { if (options['menu'] && options['menu'] !== 'utility') { return; } } else { if (options['menu'] && options['menu'] !== 'context') { return; } } if (!options.order) { options.order = order; } order++; if ('selector' in options) { $wrapper.find(options['selector']).addBack().filter(options['selector']).each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var $section_or_element = $element.closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [class*="azh-col-"].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); var $utility = get_utility($section_or_element); if ($element.parents('[data-element*="shortcode"]').length) { return; } if ($target_utility) { if ('menu' in options && options['menu'] == 'utility') { if (!$target_utility.is($utility)) { return; } } else { return; } } var $button = $('
' + options['button_text'] + '
').on('click', function (event) { var $this = $(this); open_attribute_modal(options, $this.data('azh-linked-node'), function () { if ($this.data('azh-options')['refresh']) { section_refresh($this.data('azh-linked-node').closest('[data-section]')); } }); }).on('mouseenter', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('azh-linked-node')) { $this.data('azh-linked-node').addClass('azh-over'); } }).on('mouseleave', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('azh-linked-node')) { $this.data('azh-linked-node').removeClass('azh-over'); } }); $button.data('azh-options', options); $button.data('azh-linked-node', $element); if ('menu' in options) { if (options['menu'] === 'context') { var context = $element.data('azh-context'); if (!context) { context = []; } context.push($button); $element.data('azh-context', context); $element.addClass('azh-context'); } if (options['menu'] === 'utility') { $utility.children('.azh-controls-list').append($button); $utility.data('azh-filled', true); } } else { if ('section_control' in options && options['section_control']) { var $section = $element.closest('[data-section]'); $section.data('azh-controls').append($button); } else { var $section_or_element = $element.closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); $section_or_element.data('azh-controls').append($button); } } }); } }); } } function generate_controls($wrapper, $target_utility) { function init_controls_options_tree() { function selector_insert(current_node, i, selector) { var node = current_node.children[selector[i]]; if (!node) { node = { options_list: [], children: {} }; current_node.children[selector[i]] = node; } if ((i + 1) < selector.length) { return selector_insert(node, i + 1, selector); } return node; } if (!azh.selectors_cache_tree) { azh.selectors_cache_tree = { children: {} }; azh.context_selectors_cache_tree = { children: {} }; azh.utility_selectors_cache_tree = { children: {} }; var order = 1; $(azh.controls_options).each(function () { var options = this; if (options['selector']) { var selectors = options['selector'].split(','); if (!options.order) { options.order = order; } $(selectors).each(function () { var selector = $.trim(this).replace(/([\~\+\>])/g, ' $1 ').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').replace(/ ([\~\+\>]) /g, ' $1'); selector = selector.replace(/" "/g, '"***"'); selector = selector.split(' '); selector = selector.map(function (s) { return s.replace(/"\*\*\*"/g, '" "'); }); selector_insert(azh.selectors_cache_tree, 0, selector).options_list.push(options); if (options['menu'] === 'context') { selector_insert(azh.context_selectors_cache_tree, 0, selector).options_list.push(options); } if (options['menu'] === 'utility') { selector_insert(azh.utility_selectors_cache_tree, 0, selector).options_list.push(options); } }); } order++; }); } } function traverse($node, current_node, standard_element) { for (var selector_part in current_node.children) { if (standard_element && selector_part !== standard_element && selector_part in azh.standard_elements_start_classes) { //continue; } //console.log(selector_part); var $next_element = $node.find(selector_part); if (current_node === azh.selectors_cache_tree || current_node === azh.context_selectors_cache_tree || current_node === azh.utility_selectors_cache_tree) { $next_element = $next_element.addBack().filter(selector_part); } if ($next_element.length) { var options_list = current_node.children[selector_part]['options_list']; if (options_list) { //console.log('options_list: ' + options_list.length); $(options_list).each(function () { var options = this; $next_element.each(function () { control_create(azh.$(this), options, $target_utility); }); }); } $next_element.each(function () { if (!azh.$(this).is($node)) { traverse(azh.$(this), current_node.children[selector_part]); } }); } } } if ('controls_options' in azh) { init_controls_options_tree(); if ($target_utility) { var standard_element = false; if ($target_utility.data('azh-linked-element')) { var $element_start = $target_utility.data('azh-linked-element').children().first(); if($element_start.is(Object.keys(azh.standard_elements_start_classes).join(', '))) { var classes = $element_start.attr('class').split(' ').map(function(item){return $.trim(item);}); $.each(classes, function() { var c = '.' + this; if(c in azh.standard_elements_start_classes) { standard_element = c; return; } }); } } //console.log($wrapper); var start_time = Date.now(); traverse($wrapper, azh.utility_selectors_cache_tree, standard_element); console.log('traverse: ' + (Date.now() - start_time)); } else { traverse($wrapper, azh.context_selectors_cache_tree); } //traverse($wrapper, azh.selectors_cache_tree); $(azh.controls_options).each(function () { var options = this; if ($target_utility) { if (options['menu'] && options['menu'] !== 'utility') { return; } } else { if (options['menu'] && options['menu'] !== 'context') { return; } } if (!('selector' in options)) { switch (options['type']) { case 'input-attribute': case 'textarea-attribute': case 'dropdown-attribute': case 'radio-attribute': case 'integer-attribute': case 'toggle-attribute': case 'url-attribute': case 'toggle-url-argument': case 'image-attribute': case 'color-attribute': $wrapper.find('[' + options['attribute'] + ']').each(function () { var value = get_stored_attribute(azh.$(this), options['attribute']); if (value !== false) { if ('restriction' in options && options['restriction']) { var restriction = options['restriction']; var pattern = new RegExp('{' + options['attribute'] + '}', "g"); restriction = restriction.replace(pattern, value); if ($wrapper.find(restriction).length) { return; } } control_create(azh.$(this), options, $target_utility); } }); break; case 'dropdown-style': case 'radio-style': case 'integer-style': case 'integer-list-style': case 'background-image': case 'color-style': case 'font-family': if (options['attribute']) { $wrapper.find('[' + options['attribute'] + ']').each(function () { var $this = azh.$(this); if (has_stored_hover_property($this, options['property'])) { control_create($this, options, $target_utility); } }); } else { $wrapper.find('[style]').each(function () { var $this = azh.$(this); if (options['is_selector']) { if (!$this.is(options['is_selector'])) { return; } } if (has_stored_css_property($this, options['property'])) { control_create($this, options, $target_utility); } }); } break; } } }); } } function fill_utility($wrapper, $utility, no_detach) { if (!no_detach) { azh.controls_container.detach(); wrapper_detach($wrapper); } generate_modal_buttons($wrapper, $utility); generate_controls($wrapper, $utility); elements_sort($utility.children('.azh-controls-list'), ':not(.azh-group):not(.azh-subgroup):not(.azh-cloneable-group):not(.azh-utility-title):not(.azh-context-menu-title)'); group_controls($utility.children('.azh-controls-list')); if (!no_detach) { azh.controls_container.appendTo($body); wrapper_restore($wrapper); } if ($utility) { $utility.find('.azh-responsive [data-prefix="' + azh.device_prefix + '"]').trigger('click'); $utility.data('azh-filled', true); } } function init_possible_controls_selector_start_tree() { function selector_insert(current_node, i, selector) { var node = current_node.children[selector[i]]; if (!node) { node = { options_list: [], children: {} }; current_node.children[selector[i]] = node; } if ((i + 1) < selector.length) { return selector_insert(node, i + 1, selector); } return node; } if (!azh.possible_controls_selector_start_tree) { azh.possible_controls_selector_start_tree = { children: {} }; var order = 1; $(azh.controls_options).each(function () { var options = this; if (options['selector']) { var possible = false; $(azh.possible_controls_selector_start).each(function () { if (options['selector'].indexOf(this) >= 0) { possible = true; return false; } }); if (possible) { var selectors = options['selector'].split(','); if (!options.order) { options.order = order; } $(selectors).each(function () { var selector = $.trim(this).replace(/([\~\+\>])/g, ' $1 ').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').replace(/ ([\~\+\>]) /g, ' $1'); selector = selector.replace(/" "/g, '"***"'); selector = selector.split(' '); selector = selector.map(function (s) { return s.replace(/"\*\*\*"/g, '" "'); }); if (options['menu'] === 'utility') { selector_insert(azh.possible_controls_selector_start_tree, 0, selector).options_list.push(options); } }); } } order++; }); } } function refresh_utility($utility) { var $wrapper = false; var $linked_element = $utility.data('azh-linked-element'); $wrapper = $linked_element; var $max_wrapper = $linked_element.closest('[data-section], [data-element]'); if ($max_wrapper.closest(azh.unlimited_max_wrapper).closest('[data-section], [data-element]').length) { $max_wrapper = $max_wrapper.closest(azh.unlimited_max_wrapper).closest('[data-section], [data-element]'); } else { if ($max_wrapper.parent().closest('[data-section], [data-element]').length) { // только непосредственный элемент-родитель может иметь настройки элементов-детей $max_wrapper = $max_wrapper.parent().closest('[data-section], [data-element]'); } if ($max_wrapper.parent().closest('[data-section], [data-element]').length) { // только непосредственный элемент-родитель может иметь настройки элементов-детей $max_wrapper = $max_wrapper.parent().closest('[data-section], [data-element]'); } } if ($linked_element.parents($max_wrapper).length) { init_possible_controls_selector_start_tree(); var possible_start_selector = Object.keys(azh.possible_controls_selector_start_tree.children).join(', '); $linked_element.parentsUntil($max_wrapper).each(function () { var $node = azh.$(this); if ($node.is(possible_start_selector)) { $wrapper = $node.parent(); } }); } if ($wrapper.length) { $utility.children('.azh-controls-list').empty(); fill_utility($wrapper, $utility); } } function clear_element_utility($element) { var $section_or_element = $element.closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [class*="azh-col-"].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); var $utility = get_utility($section_or_element); var $linked_element = $utility.data('azh-linked-element'); $wrapper = $linked_element.closest('[data-section]'); if ($wrapper.length) { $utility.children('.azh-controls-list').empty(); $utility.data('azh-filled', false); } } function get_utility_state($element) { var $section_or_element = $element.closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [class*="azh-col-"].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); var $utility = get_utility($section_or_element); var group = $utility.find('[data-group].azh-group.azh-active').data('group'); var subgroup = $utility.find('[data-subgroup].azh-subgroup.azh-active').data('subgroup'); return { scrollTop: $utility.children('.azh-controls-list').scrollTop(), group: group, subgroup: subgroup }; } function set_utility_state($element, state) { var $section_or_element = $element.closest('[data-section].azh-controls, [class*="azh-col-"].azh-controls, [data-element].azh-controls'); var $utility = get_utility($section_or_element); $utility.closest('.azh-utility-wrapper').trigger('click'); $utility.find('[data-group="' + state.group + '"].azh-title').trigger('click'); $utility.find('[data-subgroup="' + state.subgroup + '"].azh-title').trigger('click'); $utility.children('.azh-controls-list').scrollTop(state.scrollTop); return $utility; } function elements_sort($parent, selector) { var $elements = $parent.children(); if (selector) { $elements = $parent.children(selector); } $elements.detach(); $elements.sort(function (e1, e2) { var o1 = parseInt($(e1).attr('data-order'), 10); var o2 = parseInt($(e2).attr('data-order'), 10); return (o1 < o2) ? -1 : (o1 > o2) ? 1 : 0; }); $parent.append($elements); } function is_section_refresh($cloneable) { return $cloneable.data('azh-cloneable') && $cloneable.data('azh-cloneable')['refresh'] === true || $cloneable.is(azh.cloneable_refresh.join(',')) || $cloneable.find(azh.cloneable_refresh_children.join(',')).length; } function cloneable_group_controls($menu) { if ($menu.closest('.azh-context-menu').length) { return; } var $cloneables = azh.$(); var $linked_elements = azh.$(); var $menu_controls = $menu.children(':not(.azh-group):not(.azh-subgroup)'); if ($menu_controls.length) { $menu_controls.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var $linked_element = $this.data('azh-linked-node'); if ($linked_element) { $linked_elements = $linked_elements.add($linked_element); var $element = $linked_element.closest('[data-element]'); var $cloneable = $linked_element.closest('[data-cloneable], [data-cloneable-inline]'); if ($cloneable.length) { if (!$element.length || !$cloneable.has($element).length) { $cloneables = $cloneables.add($cloneable); } } } }); $cloneables.each(function () { var $cloneable = azh.$(this); var children = []; $cloneable.children().each(function () { var $child = azh.$(this); var $child_linked_elements = $linked_elements.filter(function () { return (azh.$(this).parents().addBack().filter($child).length); }); if ($child_linked_elements.length) { children.push($child_linked_elements); } }); if (children.length) { var $cloneable_groups = $('
').appendTo($menu); var $operations = $('
').appendTo($cloneable_groups); var $list = $('
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set_stored_style($element, 'left', 'calc(50% - ' + Math.abs(p) + 'px)'); } } function set_right($element, p) { $element.css('right', p + 'px'); set_stored_style($element, 'right', p + 'px'); } function set_top_alignment($element) { $element.css('bottom', ''); set_stored_style($element, 'bottom', ''); $element.removeClass('az-middle'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-middle'); $element.removeClass('az-bottom'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-bottom'); add_to_stored_classes($element, 'az-top'); $element.addClass('az-top'); } function set_middle_alignment($element) { $element.css('bottom', ''); set_stored_style($element, 'bottom', ''); $element.removeClass('az-top'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-top'); $element.removeClass('az-bottom'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-bottom'); add_to_stored_classes($element, 'az-middle'); $element.addClass('az-middle'); } function set_bottom_alignment($element) { $element.css('top', ''); set_stored_style($element, 'top', ''); $element.removeClass('az-top'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-top'); $element.removeClass('az-middle'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-middle'); add_to_stored_classes($element, 'az-bottom'); $element.addClass('az-bottom'); } function set_left_alignment($element) { $element.css('right', ''); set_stored_style($element, 'right', ''); $element.removeClass('az-right'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-right'); $element.removeClass('az-center'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-center'); add_to_stored_classes($element, 'az-left'); $element.addClass('az-left'); } function set_center_alignment($element) { $element.css('right', ''); set_stored_style($element, 'right', ''); $element.removeClass('az-right'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-right'); $element.removeClass('az-left'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-left'); add_to_stored_classes($element, 'az-center'); $element.addClass('az-center'); } function set_right_alignment($element) { $element.css('left', ''); set_stored_style($element, 'left', ''); $element.removeClass('az-center'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-center'); $element.removeClass('az-left'); remove_from_stored_classes($element, 'az-left'); add_to_stored_classes($element, 'az-right'); $element.addClass('az-right'); } function make_v_scale($element, scale) { var v_alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (v_alignment) { case 'top': set_top($element, get_top($element) * scale); break; case 'middle': set_middle($element, get_middle($element) * scale); break; case 'bottom': set_bottom($element, get_bottom($element) * scale); break; } var h = $element.height(); $element.css('height', h * scale + 'px'); set_stored_style($element, 'height', h * scale + 'px'); } function make_h_scale($element, scale) { var h_alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (h_alignment) { case 'left': set_left($element, get_left($element) * scale); break; case 'center': set_center($element, get_center($element) * scale); break; case 'right': set_right($element, get_right($element) * scale); break; } var w = $element.width(); $element.css('width', w * scale + 'px'); set_stored_style($element, 'width', w * scale + 'px'); } function make_scale($element, scale) { make_v_scale($element, scale); make_h_scale($element, scale); } function change_v_alignment($element, new_v_alignment) { var v_alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (v_alignment) { case 'top': var p = get_top($element); switch (new_v_alignment) { case 'middle': p = p - $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').height() / 2 + $element.height() / 2; set_middle_alignment($element); set_middle($element, Math.round(p)); break; case 'bottom': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').height() - $element.height(); set_bottom_alignment($element); set_bottom($element, Math.round(p)); break; } break; case 'middle': var p = get_middle($element); switch (new_v_alignment) { case 'top': p = p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').height() / 2 - $element.height() / 2; set_top_alignment($element); set_top($element, Math.round(p)); break; case 'bottom': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').height() / 2 - $element.height() / 2; set_bottom_alignment($element); set_bottom($element, Math.round(p)); break; } break; case 'bottom': var p = get_bottom($element); switch (new_v_alignment) { case 'top': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').height() - $element.height(); set_top_alignment($element); set_top($element, Math.round(p)); break; case 'middle': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').height() / 2 - $element.height() / 2; set_middle_alignment($element); set_middle($element, Math.round(p)); break; } break; } } function change_h_alignment($element, new_h_alignment) { var h_alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (h_alignment) { case 'left': var p = get_left($element); switch (new_h_alignment) { case 'center': p = p - $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').width() / 2 + $element.width() / 2; set_center_alignment($element); set_center($element, Math.round(p)); break; case 'right': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').width() - $element.width(); set_right_alignment($element); set_right($element, Math.round(p)); break; } break; case 'center': var p = get_center($element); switch (new_h_alignment) { case 'left': p = p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').width() / 2 - $element.width() / 2; set_left_alignment($element); set_left($element, Math.round(p)); break; case 'right': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').width() / 2 - $element.width() / 2; set_right_alignment($element); set_right($element, Math.round(p)); break; } break; case 'right': var p = get_right($element); switch (new_h_alignment) { case 'left': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').width() - $element.width(); set_left_alignment($element); set_left($element, Math.round(p)); break; case 'center': p = -p + $element.closest('.az-free-positioning').width() / 2 - $element.width() / 2; set_center_alignment($element); set_center($element, Math.round(p)); break; } break; } } function align_points(points) { var med = 0; var m = 0; do { med = m; var points_with_index = []; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { points_with_index.push([points[i], i]); } points_with_index.sort(function (left, right) { return left[0] < right[0] ? -1 : 1; }); var index = []; for (var i = 0; i < points_with_index.length; i++) { index.push(points_with_index[i][1]); } var centers = []; for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { centers.push(points[index[i - 1]] + (points[index[i]] - points[index[i - 1]]) / 2); } var diff = []; diff.push(centers[0] - points[index[0]]); for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { diff.push(points[index[i]] - centers[i - 1]); } m = 0; for (var i = 0; i < diff.length; i++) { m = m + diff[i]; } m = m / diff.length; points[index[0]] = centers[0] - m; for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { points[index[i]] = centers[i - 1] + m; } } while (Math.abs(med - m) > 0.01); return points; } function between_v_align($group, between_alignment) { $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); change_v_alignment($element, between_alignment); }); switch (between_alignment) { case 'top': var points = []; $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'top': points.push(get_top($element)); break; case 'middle': points.push((get_middle($element) - $element.height() / 2)); break; case 'bottom': points.push((get_bottom($element) - $element.height())); break; } }); points = align_points(points); $group.each(function (index) { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'top': var p = Math.round(points[index]); set_top($element, p); break; case 'middle': var p = Math.round(points[index] + $element.height() / 2); set_middle($element, p); break; case 'bottom': var p = Math.round(points[index] + $element.height()); set_bottom($element, p); break; } }); break; case 'middle': var points = []; $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'top': points.push(get_top($element) + $element.height() / 2); break; case 'middle': points.push((get_middle($element))); break; case 'bottom': points.push((get_bottom($element) - $element.height() / 2)); break; } }); points = align_points(points); $group.each(function (index) { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'top': var p = Math.round(points[index] - $element.height() / 2); set_top($element, p); break; case 'middle': var p = Math.round(points[index]); set_middle($element, p); break; case 'bottom': var p = Math.round(points[index] + $element.height() / 2); set_bottom($element, p); break; } }); break; case 'bottom': var points = []; $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'top': points.push(get_top($element) + $element.height()); break; case 'middle': points.push((get_middle($element) + $element.height() / 2)); break; case 'bottom': points.push((get_bottom($element))); break; } }); points = align_points(points); $group.each(function (index) { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_v_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'top': var p = Math.round(points[index] - $element.height()); set_top($element, p); break; case 'middle': var p = Math.round(points[index] - $element.height() / 2); set_middle($element, p); break; case 'bottom': var p = Math.round(points[index]); set_bottom($element, p); break; } }); break; } } function between_h_align($group, between_alignment) { $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); change_h_alignment($element, between_alignment); }); switch (between_alignment) { case 'left': var points = []; $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'left': points.push(get_left($element)); break; case 'center': points.push((get_center($element) - $element.width() / 2)); break; case 'right': points.push((get_right($element) - $element.width())); break; } }); points = align_points(points); $group.each(function (index) { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'left': var p = Math.round(points[index]); set_left($element, p); break; case 'center': var p = Math.round(points[index] + $element.width() / 2); set_center($element, p); break; case 'right': var p = Math.round(points[index] + $element.width()); set_right($element, p); break; } }); break; case 'center': var points = []; $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'left': points.push(get_left($element) + $element.width() / 2); break; case 'center': points.push((get_center($element))); break; case 'right': points.push((get_right($element) - $element.width() / 2)); break; } }); points = align_points(points); $group.each(function (index) { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'left': var p = Math.round(points[index] - $element.width() / 2); set_left($element, p); break; case 'center': var p = Math.round(points[index]); set_center($element, p); break; case 'right': var p = Math.round(points[index] + $element.width() / 2); set_right($element, p); break; } }); break; case 'right': var points = []; $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'left': points.push(get_left($element) + $element.width()); break; case 'center': points.push((get_center($element) + $element.width() / 2)); break; case 'right': points.push((get_right($element))); break; } }); points = align_points(points); $group.each(function (index) { var $element = azh.$(this); var alignment = get_h_alignment($element); switch (alignment) { case 'left': var p = Math.round(points[index] - $element.width()); set_left($element, p); break; case 'center': var p = Math.round(points[index] - $element.width() / 2); set_center($element, p); break; case 'right': var p = Math.round(points[index]); set_right($element, p); break; } }); break; } } function v_align($group, alignment) { $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); change_v_alignment($element, alignment); }); switch (alignment) { case 'top': var min = get_top($group.first()); $group.each(function () { if (min > get_top(azh.$(this))) { min = get_top(azh.$(this)); } }); $group.each(function () { set_top(azh.$(this), Math.round(min)); }); break; case 'middle': var average = 0; $group.each(function () { average += get_middle(azh.$(this)); }); average = average / $group.length; $group.each(function () { set_middle(azh.$(this), Math.round(average)); }); break; case 'bottom': var min = get_bottom($group.first()); $group.each(function () { if (min > get_bottom(azh.$(this))) { min = get_bottom(azh.$(this)); } }); $group.each(function () { set_bottom(azh.$(this), Math.round(min)); }); break; } } function h_align($group, alignment) { $group.each(function () { var $element = azh.$(this); change_h_alignment($element, alignment); }); switch (alignment) { case 'left': var min = get_left($group.first()); $group.each(function () { if (min > get_left(azh.$(this))) { min = get_left(azh.$(this)); } }); $group.each(function () { set_left(azh.$(this), Math.round(min)); }); break; case 'center': var average = 0; $group.each(function () { average += get_center(azh.$(this)); }); average = average / $group.length; $group.each(function () { set_center(azh.$(this), Math.round(average)); }); break; case 'right': var min = get_right($group.first()); $group.each(function () { if (min > get_right(azh.$(this))) { min = get_right(azh.$(this)); } }); $group.each(function () { set_right(azh.$(this), Math.round(min)); }); break; } } function fill_elements_hierarchy($parent, $child) { var section_or_element = 'data-section'; if (!$parent.attr(section_or_element)) { section_or_element = 'data-element'; } var path = $parent.attr(section_or_element); $('' + $parent.attr(section_or_element) + '').prependTo($child).on('blur', function () { $parent.attr(section_or_element, $(this).text()); set_stored_attribute($parent, section_or_element, $(this).text()); var $controls = $parent.data('azh-controls'); if ($controls) { $controls.find('> .azh-name').text($(this).text()); } }).on('mousedown', function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); $child.data('azh-linked-element', $parent); if ($parent.is('.azh-expand')) { $child.addClass('azh-expand'); } $parent.data('azh-linked-hierarchy-child', $child); var path = $parent.attr(section_or_element); var background_image = false; var element = $(); if (section_or_element == 'data-section') { element = $('.azh-library .azh-sections .azh-section[data-path="' + path + '"]'); } else { element = $('.azh-library .azh-elements .azh-element[data-path="' + path + '"]'); } if (element.length > 0) { background_image = $(element).get(0).style['background-image'].replace('url(', '').replace(')', '').replace(/\'/gi, '').replace(/\"/gi, ''); } if (!background_image || background_image == 'none') { background_image = azh.plugin_url + '/images/box.png'; } $child.prepend(''); var $visibility = $('').prependTo($child).on('click', function () { var $visibility = $(this); if ($(this).is('.azh-hidden')) { $visibility.removeClass('azh-hidden'); $parent.show(); set_stored_style($parent, 'display', 'block'); } else { $visibility.addClass('azh-hidden'); $parent.hide(); set_stored_style($parent, 'display', 'none'); } return false; }); if (!$parent.is(':visible')) { $visibility.addClass('azh-hidden'); } var $descendents = closest_descendents($parent, '[data-element]'); if ($descendents.length) { var $parent_children = $('
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').insertAfter($title); var $e_alignment = $('
').appendTo($alignment); $('
').appendTo($e_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($group.length > 1) { v_align($group, 'top'); } else { reset_free_positioning($group); set_top_alignment($group); } show_active_alignment(); }); $('
').appendTo($e_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($group.length > 1) { v_align($group, 'middle'); } else { reset_free_positioning($group); set_middle_alignment($group); } show_active_alignment(); }); $('
').appendTo($e_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($group.length > 1) { v_align($group, 'bottom'); } else { reset_free_positioning($group); set_bottom_alignment($group); } show_active_alignment(); }); $('
').appendTo($e_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($group.length > 1) { h_align($group, 'left'); } else { reset_free_positioning($group); set_left_alignment($group); } show_active_alignment(); }); $('
').appendTo($e_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($group.length > 1) { h_align($group, 'center'); } else { reset_free_positioning($group); set_center_alignment($group); } show_active_alignment(); }); $('
').appendTo($e_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($group.length > 1) { h_align($group, 'right'); } else { reset_free_positioning($group); set_right_alignment($group); } show_active_alignment(); }); $hierarchy.find('.azh-root').css('height', 'calc(100% - 95px)'); show_active_alignment(); if ($group.length > 2) { var $g_alignment = $('
').appendTo($alignment); $('
').appendTo($g_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($e_alignment.find('.azh-active').length === 2) { between_v_align($group, 'top'); } }); $('
').appendTo($g_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($e_alignment.find('.azh-active').length === 2) { between_v_align($group, 'middle'); } }); $('
').appendTo($g_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($e_alignment.find('.azh-active').length === 2) { between_v_align($group, 'bottom'); } }); $('
').appendTo($g_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($e_alignment.find('.azh-active').length === 2) { between_h_align($group, 'left'); } }); $('
').appendTo($g_alignment).on('click', function (event) { if ($e_alignment.find('.azh-active').length === 2) { between_h_align($group, 'center'); } }); $('
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