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i++) { var preview = $$('
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' + settings['heading'] + '
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link['url'] : ''), ('target' in link ? link['target'] : ''), ('title' in link ? link['title'] : '')); return false; }); $$(wrapper).append(''); var title_span = $$('' + ('title' in link ? link['title'] : '') + '').appendTo(wrapper); $$(wrapper).append(''); var url_span = $$('' + ('url' in link ? link['url'] : '') + '').appendTo(wrapper); $$(field).data('get_value', function () { return $$.map($$(this).data('link'), function (value, index) { return [index + ':' + encodeURIComponent(value)]; }).join('|'); }); break; case 'iconpicker': $$(field).append(''); var textfield = $$('').appendTo(field); $$(textfield).val(value); azh.icon_select_dialog(function (icon) { $$(textfield).val(icon); }, settings['settings']['type']).appendTo(field); $$(field).data('get_value', function () { return $$(this).find('input[type="text"]').val(); }); break; case 'ajax_dropdown': $$(field).append(''); var $$select = $$(''); $$select.on('change', function () { $$(field).trigger('change'); }); $$(field).data('get_value', function () { return $$select.val() ? $$select.val() : ''; }); $$select.appendTo(field); $$select.select2({ ajax: { url: settings['url'], dataType: 'json' }, dropdownAutoWidth: 'true' }); if (value) { $$.post(settings['url'], { 'values': [value] }, function (data) { for (var v in data) { $$('').appendTo($$select); } $$select.val(value).trigger('change'); }, 'json'); } break; case 'ajax_multiselect': $$(field).append(''); var $$select = $$(''); $$select.on('change', function () { $$(field).trigger('change'); }); $$(field).data('get_value', function () { return $$select.val() ? $$select.val().join(',') : ''; }); $$select.appendTo(field); $$select.select2({ ajax: { url: settings['url'], dataType: 'json' }, dropdownAutoWidth: 'true' }); if (value) { $$.post(settings['url'], { 'values': value.split(',') }, function (data) { for (var v in data) { $$('').appendTo($$select); } $$select.val(value.split(',')).trigger('change'); }, 'json'); } break; case 'autocomplete': $$(field).append(''); var textfield = $$('').appendTo(field); $$(field).data('value', value); var shortcode_settings = {}; setTimeout(function () { shortcode_settings = $$(field).closest('.azh-form').data('settings'); if ($$.trim(value) != '') { var attrs = get_form_atts($$(field).closest('.azh-form')); $$.post(azh.ajaxurl, { action: 'azh_autocomplete_labels', shortcode: shortcode_settings['base'], attrs: attrs, param_name: settings['param_name'], values: value }, function (data) { $$(textfield).val(Object.keys(data).map(function (item) { return data[item]; }).join(', ')); if ('multiple' in settings && !settings['multiple']) { if (Object.keys(data).length > 0) { $$(field).data('value', Object.keys(data)[0]); } else { $$(field).data('value', ''); } } else { $$(field).data('value', Object.keys(data).join(',')); } }, 'json'); } }); $$(textfield).on("keydown", function (event) { if (event.keyCode === $$.ui.keyCode.TAB && $$(this).autocomplete("instance").menu.active) { event.preventDefault(); } }).autocomplete({ minLength: 0, source: function (request, response) { if (request.term.split(/,\s*/).pop() != '') { var attrs = get_form_atts($$(field).closest('.azh-form')); $$.post(azh.ajaxurl, { action: 'azh_autocomplete', shortcode: shortcode_settings['base'], attrs: attrs, param_name: settings['param_name'], exclude: $$(field).data('value'), search: request.term.split(/,\s*/).pop() }, function (data) { response(data); }, 'json'); } else { response(); } }, focus: function (event, ui) { return false; }, select: function (event, ui) { if (ui.item) { var labels = this.value.split(/,\s*/); labels.pop(); labels.push(ui.item.label); if ('multiple' in settings && !settings['multiple']) { if (labels.length > 0) { this.value = labels[0]; } else { this.value = ''; } } else { labels.push(''); this.value = labels.join(', '); } var values = $$(field).data('value').split(/,\s*/); if (!$$(field).data('value')) { values = []; } values.push(ui.item.value.toString()); if ('multiple' in settings && !settings['multiple']) { if (values.length > 0) { $$(field).data('value', values[0]); } else { $$(field).data('value', ''); } } else { $$(field).data('value', values.join(',').replace(/,\s*$/, '').replace(/^\s*,/, '')); } $$(field).trigger('change'); } return false; } }).on("keydown keyup blur", function (event) { if ($$(textfield).val() == '') { $$(field).data('value', ''); $$(field).trigger('change'); } }).on("focus", function (event) { var values = $$(field).data('value').split(/,\s*/); if ($$(field).data('value') && values.length) { var labels = $$(textfield).val().split(/,\s*/); if (values.length < labels.length) { labels.pop(); } if ('multiple' in settings && !settings['multiple']) { if (labels.length > 0) { $$(textfield).val(labels[0]); } else { $$(textfield).val(''); } } else { $$(textfield).val(labels.join(', ') + ', '); } } }); $$(textfield).autocomplete('instance')._create = function () { this._super(); this.widget().menu('option', 'items', '> :not(.ui-autocomplete-group)'); }; $$(textfield).autocomplete('instance')._renderMenu = function (ul, items) { var that = this, currentGroup = ''; $$.each(items, function (index, item) { var li; if ('group' in item && item.group != currentGroup) { ul.append('
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'); return; } var limit = 10; if (context.limit) { limit = context.limit; } if (!$liquid.data('shopify-limit')) { context.collection.products = []; azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } else { if (azh.shopify.collections[collection_id] && $liquid.data('shopify-limit') == limit) { context.collection.products = azh.shopify.collections[collection_id]; azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } else { $liquid.data('shopify-limit', limit); $.get(azh.ajaxurl + '?action=get_products&field=collection_id&limit=' + limit + '&value=' + collection_id, function (data) { azh.shopify.collections[collection_id] = JSON.parse(data); if (azh.shopify.collections[collection_id] && azh.shopify.collections[collection_id].length) { context.collection.products = azh.shopify.collections[collection_id]; $.each(context.collection.products, function () { fix_product(this); }); azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } else { $liquid.find('.az-liquid-container').prepend('
' + azh.i18n.please_select_products_collection_in_element_settings + '
'); return; } }); } } } if ($liquid.is('[data-shopify-article-handle]')) { context.article = {}; var handle = $liquid.attr('data-shopify-article-handle'); if (!handle && azh.any_article) { handle = azh.any_article.handle; } fix_article(azh.any_article); context.article = azh.any_article; azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } if ($liquid.is('[data-shopify-product-handle]')) { context.product = {}; var handle = $liquid.attr('data-shopify-product-handle'); if (!handle && azh.any_product) { handle = azh.any_product.handle; } if (!handle) { $liquid.find('.az-liquid-container').prepend('
' + azh.i18n.please_select_product_in_element_settings + '
'); return; } if (azh.shopify.all_products[handle]) { context.product = azh.shopify.all_products[handle]; azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } else { $.get(azh.ajaxurl + '?action=get_products&limit=1&field=handle&value=' + handle, function (data) { azh.shopify.all_products[handle] = JSON.parse(data); if (!azh.shopify.all_products[handle] || !azh.shopify.all_products[handle].length) { if (azh.any_product) { azh.shopify.all_products[handle] = [azh.any_product]; } } if (azh.shopify.all_products[handle] && azh.shopify.all_products[handle].length) { azh.shopify.all_products[handle] = azh.shopify.all_products[handle][0]; fix_product(azh.shopify.all_products[handle]); context.product = azh.shopify.all_products[handle]; azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } else { $liquid.find('.az-liquid-container').prepend('
' + azh.i18n.please_select_product_in_element_settings + '
'); return; } }); } } if ($liquid.is('.az-no-liquid-context')) { azh.liquid_process($liquid.closest('[data-element]'), context); } }; azh.shopify_init = function ($wrapper) { azh.frontend_init = azh.window.get(0).azh.frontend_init; function list_refresh($liquid_child) { var $liquid = $liquid_child.closest(shopify_context_selector); azh.liquid_prepare($liquid, $liquid_child); azh.shopify_process($liquid); } $wrapper.find(shopify_context_selector).each(function () { var $liquid = azh.$(this); if (!$liquid.parents(shopify_context_selector).length) { // azh.liquid_prepare($liquid); azh.shopify_process($liquid); } }); if ($wrapper.is('script[data-liquid], .az-liquid-element.az-editable-html')) { var $liquid = $wrapper.closest(shopify_context_selector); if (!$liquid.parents(shopify_context_selector).length) { azh.liquid_prepare($liquid); azh.shopify_process($liquid); } } //az-liquid-container контейнер при редактировании любого из детей - удаляет остальных детей и запускает новый рендеринг по новому шаблону var list_refreshing = false; $wrapper.find('.az-liquid-container').children().off('azh-refresh.liquid').on('azh-refresh.liquid', function () { list_refreshing = true; list_refresh(azh.$(this)); list_refreshing = false; }); var list_child_refreshing = false; $wrapper.find('.az-liquid-container').children().off('azh-change.liquid').on('azh-change.liquid', function () { var $liquid_child = azh.$(this); list_child_refreshing = true; azh.controls_container.off('mouseleave.liquid').one('mouseleave.liquid', function (event) { if (!event.which) { if (azh.controls_container.find('.select2-container--open').length) { var $dropdown = azh.controls_container.find('.select2-container--open').prev('select'); $dropdown.one('select2:close', function (e) { list_refresh($liquid_child); list_child_refreshing = false; }); } else { list_refresh($liquid_child); list_child_refreshing = false; } } }); }); $wrapper.find(shopify_context_selector).off('azh-refresh.liquid').on('azh-refresh.liquid', function () { if (!list_refreshing) { var $liquid = $wrapper.closest(shopify_context_selector); if (!$liquid.parents(shopify_context_selector).length) { azh.liquid_prepare($liquid); azh.shopify_process($liquid); } } }); $wrapper.find(shopify_context_selector).off('azh-change.liquid').on('azh-change.liquid', function () { if (!list_child_refreshing) { var $liquid = azh.$(this).closest(shopify_context_selector); azh.controls_container.off('mouseleave.liquid').one('mouseleave.liquid', function (event) { if (!event.which) { if (azh.controls_container.find('.select2-container--open').length) { var $dropdown = azh.controls_container.find('.select2-container--open').prev('select'); $dropdown.one('select2:close', function (e) { azh.liquid_prepare($liquid); azh.shopify_process($liquid); }); } else { azh.liquid_prepare($liquid); azh.shopify_process($liquid); } } }); } }); }; }); frontend_editor_frame_init(); function formatMoney(cents, format) { var moneyFormat = '${{amount}}'; if (typeof cents === 'string') { cents = cents.replace('.', ''); } var value = ''; var placeholderRegex = /\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/; var formatString = format || moneyFormat; function formatWithDelimiters(number, precision, thousands, decimal) { thousands = thousands || ','; decimal = decimal || '.'; if (isNaN(number) || number === null) { return 0; } number = (number / 100.0).toFixed(precision); var parts = number.split('.'); var dollarsAmount = parts[0].replace( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1' + thousands ); var centsAmount = parts[1] ? decimal + parts[1] : ''; return dollarsAmount + centsAmount; } switch (formatString.match(placeholderRegex)[1]) { case 'amount': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2); break; case 'amount_no_decimals': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0); break; case 'amount_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, '.', ','); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_comma_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, '.', ','); break; case 'amount_no_decimals_with_space_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 0, ' '); break; case 'amount_with_apostrophe_separator': value = formatWithDelimiters(cents, 2, "'"); break; } return formatString.replace(placeholderRegex, value); } Liquid.readTemplateFile = function (path) { return path; }; Liquid.Template.registerTag('section', Liquid.Tag.extend({ render: function (context) { return this.tagName + ': ' + this.markup; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('form', Liquid.Block.extend({ render: function (context) { var self = this; var output = ''; context.stack(function () { output = self.renderAll(self.nodelist, context).join(''); }); output = '
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