function createEditor(editWindow, editDoc) { if (! { = function(fun) { var collect = []; for (var ix = 0; ix < this.length; ix++) { collect[ix] = fun(this[ix]); } return collect; } } function bindEvent(target, eventName, fun) { if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(eventName, fun, false); } else { target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, function(event) { fun(event); }); } } /* Editlib.js ---------- Various functions for manipulating selections, used by editing commands */ var getContaining = (window.getSelection) ? w3_getContaining : ie_getContaining; var overwriteWithNode = (window.getSelection) ? w3_overwriteWithNode : ie_overwriteWithNode; function createElementFilter(tagName) { return function(elem) { return elem.tagName == tagName; } } /* walks up the hierachy until an element with the tagName if found. Returns null if no element is found before BODY */ function getAncestor(elem, filter) { while (elem.tagName != "BODY") { if (filter(elem)) return elem; elem = elem.parentNode; } return null; } function includes(elem1, elem2) { if (elem2 == elem1) return true; while (elem2.parentNode && elem2.parentNode) { if (elem2 == elem1) return true; elem2 = elem2.parentNode; } return false; } function ie_getContaining(editWindow, filter) { var selection = editWindow.document.selection; if (selection.type == "Control") { // control selection var range = selection.createRange(); if (range.length == 1) { var elem = range.item(0); } else { // multiple control selection return null; } } else { var range = selection.createRange(); var elem = range.parentElement(); } return getAncestor(elem, filter); } function ie_overwriteWithNode(editWindow, node) { var rng = editWindow.document.selection.createRange(); var marker = writeMarkerNode(editWindow, rng); marker.appendChild(node); marker.removeNode(); // removes node but not children } // writes a marker node on a range and returns the node. function writeMarkerNode(editWindow, rng) { var id = editWindow.document.uniqueID; var html = ""; rng.pasteHTML(html); var node = editWindow.document.getElementById(id); return node; } // overwrites the current selection with a node function w3_overwriteWithNode(editWindow, node) { if (editWindow.getSelection() && editWindow.getSelection().rangeCount > 0) { var rng = editWindow.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); rng.deleteContents(); if (isTextNode(rng.startContainer)) { var refNode = rightPart(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset) refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, refNode); } else { if (rng.startOffset == rng.startContainer.childNodes.length) { refNode.parentNode.appendChild(node); } else { var refNode = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset]; refNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, refNode); } } } } function w3_getContaining(editWindow, filter) { if (editWindow.getSelection() && editWindow.getSelection().rangeCount > 0) { var range = editWindow.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); var container = range.commonAncestorContainer; return getAncestor(container, filter); } else { return false; } } function isTextNode(node) { return node.nodeType == 3; } function rightPart(node, ix) { return node.splitText(ix); } function leftPart(node, ix) { node.splitText(ix); return node; } /* Commands -------- */ function Command(command, editDoc) { this.execute = function() { editDoc.execCommand(command, false, null); }; this.queryState = function() { return editDoc.queryCommandState(command); }; } function ValueCommand(command, editDoc) { this.execute = function(value) { editDoc.execCommand(command, false, value ? value : null); }; this.queryValue = function() { return editDoc.queryCommandValue(command); }; } function LinkCommand(editDoc) { var tagFilter = createElementFilter("A"); this.execute = function() { var a = getContaining(editWindow, tagFilter); var initialUrl = a ? a.href : "http://"; var url = window.prompt("Enter an URL:", initialUrl); if (url === null) return; if (url === "") { editDoc.execCommand("unlink", false, null); } else { editDoc.execCommand("createLink", false, url); } }; this.queryState = function() { return !!getContaining(editWindow, tagFilter); }; } function InsertHelloWorldCommand() { this.execute = function() { var elem = editWindow.document.createElement("SPAN"); = "red"; elem.innerHTML = "Hello world!"; overwriteWithNode(editWindow, elem); } this.queryState = function() { return false; } } /* Controllers ----------- Connects Command-obejcts to DOM nodes which works as UI */ function TogglCommandController(command, elem) { this.updateUI = function() { if (command.queryState()) { elem.classList.add("azh-active"); } else { elem.classList.remove("azh-active"); } } var self = this; elem.unselectable = "on"; // IE, prevent focus bindEvent(elem, "mousedown", function(evt) { // we cancel the mousedown default to prevent the button from getting focus // (doesn't work in IE) if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); }); bindEvent(elem, "click", function(evt) { command.execute(); updateToolbar(); evt.stopPropagation(); }); } function ValueSelectorController(command, elem) { this.updateUI = function() { var value = command.queryValue(); elem.value = value; } var self = this; elem.unselectable = "on"; // IE, prevent focus bindEvent(elem, "change", function(evt) { editWindow.focus(); command.execute(elem.value); updateToolbar(); }); } function ValueController(command, elem) { this.updateUI = function() { var value = command.queryValue(); elem.value = value; } var self = this; bindEvent(elem, "change", function(evt) { editWindow.focus(); command.execute(elem.value); updateToolbar(); }); } function ColorController(command, elem) { this.updateUI = function() { function rgb2hex(rgb) { function hex(x) { return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2); } return "#" + hex(rgb[0]) + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]); } var value = command.queryValue(); var rgba = value.replace(/^rgba?\(|\s+|\)$/g, '').split(','); elem.value = rgb2hex(rgba); } var self = this; bindEvent(elem, "change", function(evt) { editWindow.focus(); command.execute(elem.value); updateToolbar(); }); } var updateListeners = []; var toolbarCommands = [ ["boldButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("bold", editDoc)], ["italicButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("italic", editDoc)], ["leftButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("justifyLeft", editDoc)], ["rightButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("justifyRight", editDoc)], ["centerButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("justifyCenter", editDoc)], ["subscriptButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("subscript", editDoc)], ["superscriptButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("superscript", editDoc)], ["linkButton", TogglCommandController, new LinkCommand(editDoc)], ["orderedListButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("insertOrderedList", editDoc)], ["unorderedListButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("insertUnorderedList", editDoc)], ["sizeSelector", ValueSelectorController, new ValueCommand("fontSize", editDoc)], ["colorInput", ColorController, new ValueCommand("foreColor", editDoc)], ["colorBgInput", ColorController, new ValueCommand("backColor", editDoc)], ["removeFormatButton", TogglCommandController, new Command("removeFormat", editDoc)] ]; { var elemId = binding[0], ControllerConstructor = binding[1], command = binding[2]; var elem = document.getElementById(elemId); if (elem) { var controller = new ControllerConstructor(command, elem); updateListeners.push(controller); } }); function updateToolbar() { { controller.updateUI(); }); } bindEvent(editDoc, "keyup", updateToolbar); bindEvent(editDoc, "mouseup", updateToolbar); } (function($) { var font_sizes = { '': 'default', 1: 'xx-small', 2: 'x-small', 3: 'small', 4: 'medium', 5: 'large', 6: 'x-large', 7: 'xx-large' }; var fontSize = ''; var $toolbar = $('
' + fontSize + '
').appendTo('body').hide(); $(document).off('click.azh-editor-toolbar').on('click.azh-editor-toolbar', function(event) { if (!$('.azh-editor-toolbar, [contenteditable="true"]').length) { $toolbar.hide(); } }); $(function() { if (azh.editor_toolbar.length) { $toolbar.find('[id]').each(function() { var $this = $(this); if (azh.editor_toolbar.indexOf($this.attr('id')) < 0) { $this.remove(); } }); } }) })(window.jQuery);