var Liquid = { author: 'Matt McCray ', version: '1.3.2', readTemplateFile: function (path) { throw ("This liquid context does not allow includes."); }, registerFilters: function (filters) { Liquid.Template.registerFilter(filters); }, parse: function (src) { return Liquid.Template.parse(src); } }; Liquid.extensions = {}; Liquid.extensions.object = {}; Liquid.extensions.object.update = function (newObj) { for (var p in newObj) { this[p] = newObj[p]; } return this; }; Liquid.extensions.object.hasKey = function (arg) { return !!this[arg]; }; Liquid.extensions.object.hasValue = function (arg) { for (var p in this) { if (this[p] == arg) return true; } return false; }; Liquid.extensions.object.isEmpty = function (obj) { if (!obj || Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip(obj.toString()) === "") return true; if (obj.length && obj.length > 0) return false; if (typeof obj === 'number') return false; for (var prop in obj) if (obj[prop]) return false; return true; }; Liquid.extensions.stringTools = {}; Liquid.extensions.stringTools.capitalize = function (str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1).toLowerCase(); }; Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip = function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); }; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools = {}; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.last = function (array) { return array[array.length - 1]; }; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.indexOf = function (array, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == obj) return i; } return -1; }; = function (obj, fun) { var len = obj.length; if (typeof fun != "function") throw ' requires first argument to be a function'; var res = new Array(len); var thisp = arguments[2]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in obj) res[i] =, obj[i], i, obj); } return res; }; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten = function (array) { var len = array.length; var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (array[i] instanceof Array) { arr = arr.concat(array[i]); } else { arr.push(array[i]); } } return arr; }; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each = function (obj, fun) { var len = obj.length; if (typeof fun != "function") { throw 'Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each requires first argument to be a function'; } var thisp = arguments[2]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in obj) {, obj[i], i, obj); } } return null; }; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.include = function (array, arg) { var len = array.length; return Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.indexOf(array, arg) >= 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (arg == array[i]) return true; } return false; }; /* Simple JavaScript Inheritance * By John Resig * MIT Licensed. */ (function () { var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function () { xyz; }) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/; this.Class = function () {}; this.Class.extend = function (prop) { var _super = this.prototype; initializing = true; var prototype = new this(); initializing = false; for (var name in prop) { prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" && typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ? (function (name, fn) { return function () { var tmp = this._super; this._super = _super[name]; var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); this._super = tmp; return ret; }; })(name, prop[name]) : prop[name]; } function Class() { if (!initializing && this.init) this.init.apply(this, arguments); } Class.prototype = prototype; Class.prototype.constructor = Class; Class.extend = arguments.callee; return Class; }; }).call(Liquid); Liquid.Tag = Liquid.Class.extend({ init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { this.tagName = tagName; this.markup = markup; this.nodelist = this.nodelist || []; this.parse(tokens); }, parse: function (tokens) { }, render: function (context) { return ''; } }); Liquid.Block = Liquid.Tag.extend({ init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { this.blockName = tagName; this.blockDelimiter = "end" + this.blockName; this._super(tagName, markup, tokens); }, parse: function (tokens) { if (!this.nodelist) this.nodelist = []; this.nodelist.length = 0; var token = tokens.shift(); tokens.push(''); // To ensure we don't lose the last token passed in... while (tokens.length) { if (/^\{\%/.test(token)) { // It's a tag... var tagParts = token.match(/^\{\%\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)?\%\}$/); if (tagParts) { if (this.blockDelimiter == tagParts[1]) { this.endTag(); return; } if (tagParts[1] in Liquid.Template.tags) { this.nodelist.push(new Liquid.Template.tags[tagParts[1]](tagParts[1], tagParts[2], tokens)); } else { this.unknownTag(tagParts[1], tagParts[2], tokens); } } else { throw ("Tag '" + token + "' was not properly terminated with: %}"); } } else if (/^\{\{/.test(token)) { // It's a variable... this.nodelist.push(this.createVariable(token)); } else { //if(token != '') { this.nodelist.push(token); } // Ignores tokens that are empty token = tokens.shift(); // Assign the next token to loop again... } this.assertMissingDelimitation(); }, endTag: function () {}, unknownTag: function (tag, params, tokens) { switch (tag) { case 'else': throw (this.blockName + " tag does not expect else tag"); break; case 'end': throw ("'end' is not a valid delimiter for " + this.blockName + " tags. use " + this.blockDelimiter); break; default: throw ("Unknown tag: " + tag); } }, createVariable: function (token) { var match = token.match(/^\{\{(.*)\}\}$/); if (match) { return new Liquid.Variable(match[1]); } else { throw ("Variable '" + token + "' was not properly terminated with: }}"); } }, render: function (context) { return this.renderAll(this.nodelist, context); }, renderAll: function (list, context) { return || []), function (token, i) { var output = ''; try { // hmmm... feels a little heavy output = (token['render']) ? token.render(context) : token; } catch (e) { output = context.handleError(e); } return output; }); }, assertMissingDelimitation: function () { throw (this.blockName + " tag was never closed"); } }); Liquid.Document = Liquid.Block.extend({ init: function (tokens) { this.blockDelimiter = []; // [], really? this.parse(tokens); }, assertMissingDelimitation: function () { } }); Liquid.Strainer = Liquid.Class.extend({ init: function (context) { this.context = context; }, respondTo: function (methodName) { methodName = methodName.toString(); if (methodName.match(/^__/)) return false; if (Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.include(Liquid.Strainer.requiredMethods, methodName)) return false; return (methodName in this); } }); Liquid.Strainer.filters = {}; Liquid.Strainer.globalFilter = function (filters) { for (var f in filters) { Liquid.Strainer.filters[f] = filters[f]; } } Liquid.Strainer.requiredMethods = ['respondTo', 'context']; Liquid.Strainer.create = function (context) { var strainer = new Liquid.Strainer(context); for (var f in Liquid.Strainer.filters) { strainer[f] = Liquid.Strainer.filters[f]; } return strainer; } Liquid.Context = Liquid.Class.extend({ init: function (assigns, registers, rethrowErrors) { this.scopes = [assigns ? assigns : {}]; this.registers = registers ? registers : {}; this.errors = []; this.rethrowErrors = rethrowErrors; this.strainer = Liquid.Strainer.create(this); }, get: function (varname) { return this.resolve(varname); }, set: function (varname, value) { this.scopes[0][varname] = value; }, hasKey: function (key) { return (this.resolve(key)) ? true : false; }, push: function () { var scpObj = {}; this.scopes.unshift(scpObj); return scpObj // Is this right? }, merge: function (newScope) { return[0], newScope); }, pop: function () { if (this.scopes.length == 1) { throw "Context stack error"; } return this.scopes.shift(); }, stack: function (lambda, bind) { var result = null; this.push(); try { result = lambda.apply(bind ? bind : this.strainer); } finally { this.pop(); } return result; }, invoke: function (method, args) { if (this.strainer.respondTo(method)) { var result = this.strainer[method].apply(this.strainer, args); return result; } else { return (args.length == 0) ? null : args[0]; // was: $pick } }, resolve: function (key) { switch (key) { case null: case 'nil': case 'null': case '': return null; case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; case 'blank': case 'empty': return ''; default: if ((/^'(.*)'$/).test(key)) // Single quoted strings { return key.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, '$1'); } else if ((/^"(.*)"$/).test(key)) // Double quoted strings { return key.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1'); } else if ((/^(\d+)$/).test(key)) // Integer... { return parseInt(key.replace(/^(\d+)$/, '$1')); } else if ((/^(\d[\d\.]+)$/).test(key)) // Float... { return parseFloat(key.replace(/^(\d[\d\.]+)$/, '$1')); } else if ((/^\((\S+)\.\.(\S+)\)$/).test(key)) {// Ranges var range = key.match(/^\((\S+)\.\.(\S+)\)$/), left = parseInt(range[1]), right = parseInt(range[2]), arr = []; if (isNaN(left)) { let varLeft = this.resolve(range[1]); left = parseInt(varLeft); if (isNaN(left)) { throw new Error('Incorrect param for range: ' + key); } } if (isNaN(right)) { let varRight = this.resolve(range[2]); right = parseInt(varRight); if (isNaN(right)) { throw new Error('Incorrect param for range: ' + key); } } var limit = right - left + 1; for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) arr.push(i + left); return arr; } else { var result = this.variable(key); return result; } } }, findVariable: function (key) { for (var i = 0; i < this.scopes.length; i++) { var scope = this.scopes[i]; if (scope && typeof (scope[key]) !== 'undefined') { var variable = scope[key]; if (typeof (variable) == 'function') { variable = variable.apply(this); scope[key] = variable; } if (variable && this._isObject(variable) && ('toLiquid' in variable)) { variable = variable.toLiquid(); } if (variable && this._isObject(variable) && ('setContext' in variable)) { variable.setContext(self); } return variable; } } ; return null; }, variable: function (markup) { if (typeof markup != 'string') { return null; } var parts = markup.match(/\[[^\]]+\]|(?:[\w\-]\??)+/g), firstPart = parts.shift(), squareMatch = firstPart.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/); if (squareMatch) { firstPart = this.resolve(squareMatch[1]); } var object = this.findVariable(firstPart), self = this; if (object) { Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(parts, function (part) { var squareMatch = part.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/); if (squareMatch) { var part = self.resolve(squareMatch[1]); if (typeof (object[part]) == 'function') { object[part] = object[part].apply(this); }// Array? object = object[part]; if (self._isObject(object) && ('toLiquid' in object)) { object = object.toLiquid(); } } else { if ((self._isObject(object) || typeof (object) == 'hash') && (part in object)) { var res = object[part]; if (typeof (res) == 'function') { res = object[part] = res.apply(self); } if (self._isObject(res) && ('toLiquid' in res)) { object = res.toLiquid(); } else { object = res; } } else if ((/^\d+$/).test(part)) { var pos = parseInt(part); if (typeof (object[pos]) == 'function') { object[pos] = object[pos].apply(self); } if (self._isObject(object) && self._isObject(object[pos]) && ('toLiquid' in object[pos])) { object = object[pos].toLiquid(); } else { object = object[pos]; } } else if (object && typeof (object[part]) == 'function' && Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.include(['length', 'size', 'first', 'last'], part)) { object = object[part].apply(part); if ('toLiquid' in object) { object = object.toLiquid(); } } else if (part == 'size') { object = object.length; } else { return object = null; } if (self._isObject(object) && ('setContext' in object)) { object.setContext(self); } } }); } return object; }, addFilters: function (filters) { filters = Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten(filters); Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(filters, function (f) { if (!this._isObject(f)) { throw ("Expected object but got: " + typeof (f)) } this.strainer.addMethods(f); }); }, handleError: function (err) { this.errors.push(err); if (this.rethrowErrors) { throw err; } return "Liquid error: " + (err.message ? err.message : (err.description ? err.description : err)); }, _isObject: function (obj) { return obj != null && typeof (obj) == 'object'; } }); Liquid.Template = Liquid.Class.extend({ init: function () { this.root = null; this.registers = {}; this.assigns = {}; this.errors = []; this.rethrowErrors = false; }, parse: function (src) { this.root = new Liquid.Document(Liquid.Template.tokenize(src)); return this; }, render: function () { if (!this.root) { return ''; } var args = { ctx: arguments[0], filters: arguments[1], registers: arguments[2] } var context = null; if (args.ctx instanceof Liquid.Context) { context = args.ctx; this.assigns = context.assigns; this.registers = context.registers; } else { if (args.ctx) {, args.ctx); } if (args.registers) {, args.registers); } context = new Liquid.Context(this.assigns, this.registers, this.rethrowErrors) } if (args.filters) { context.addFilters(arg.filters); } try { return this.root.render(context).join(''); } finally { this.errors = context.errors; } }, renderWithErrors: function () { var savedRethrowErrors = this.rethrowErrors; this.rethrowErrors = true; var res = this.render.apply(this, arguments); this.rethrowErrors = savedRethrowErrors; return res; } }); Liquid.Template.tags = {}; Liquid.Template.registerTag = function (name, klass) { Liquid.Template.tags[ name ] = klass; } Liquid.Template.registerFilter = function (filters) { Liquid.Strainer.globalFilter(filters) } Liquid.Template.tokenize = function (src) { var tokens = src.split(/(\{\%.*?\%\}|\{\{.*?\}\}?)/); if (tokens[0] == '') { tokens.shift(); } return tokens; } Liquid.Template.parse = function (src) { return (new Liquid.Template()).parse(src); } Liquid.Variable = Liquid.Class.extend({ init: function (markup) { this.markup = markup; = null; this.filters = []; var self = this; var match = markup.match(/\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/); if (match) { = match[1]; var filterMatches = markup.match(/\|\s*(.*)/); if (filterMatches) { var filters = filterMatches[1].split(/\|/); Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(filters, function (f) { var matches = f.match(/\s*(\w+)/); if (matches) { var filterName = matches[1]; var filterArgs = []; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten((f.match(/(?:[:|,]\s*)("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/g) || [])), function (arg) { var cleanupMatch = arg.match(/^[\s|:|,]*(.*?)[\s]*$/); if (cleanupMatch) { filterArgs.push(cleanupMatch[1]); } }); self.filters.push([filterName, filterArgs]); } }); } } }, render: function (context) { if ( == null) { return ''; } var output = context.get(; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(this.filters, function (filter) { var filterName = filter[0], filterArgs =[1] || []), function (arg) { return context.get(arg); }); filterArgs.unshift(output); // Push in input value into the first argument spot... output = context.invoke(filterName, filterArgs); }); return output; } }); Liquid.Condition = Liquid.Class.extend({ init: function (left, operator, right) { this.left = left; this.operator = operator; this.right = right; this.childRelation = null; this.childCondition = null; this.attachment = null; }, evaluate: function (context) { context = context || new Liquid.Context(); var result = this.interpretCondition(this.left, this.right, this.operator, context); switch (this.childRelation) { case 'or': return (result || this.childCondition.evaluate(context)); case 'and': return (result && this.childCondition.evaluate(context)); default: return result; } }, or: function (condition) { this.childRelation = 'or'; this.childCondition = condition; }, and: function (condition) { this.childRelation = 'and'; this.childCondition = condition; }, attach: function (attachment) { this.attachment = attachment; return this.attachment; }, isElse: false, interpretCondition: function (left, right, op, context) { if (!op) { return context.get(left); } left = context.get(left); right = context.get(right); op = Liquid.Condition.operators[op]; if (!op) { throw ("Unknown operator " + op); } var results = op(left, right); return results; }, toString: function () { return ""; } }); Liquid.Condition.operators = { '==': function (l, r) { return (l == r); }, '=': function (l, r) { return (l == r); }, '!=': function (l, r) { return (l != r); }, '<>': function (l, r) { return (l != r); }, '<': function (l, r) { return (l < r); }, '>': function (l, r) { return (l > r); }, '<=': function (l, r) { return (l <= r); }, '>=': function (l, r) { return (l >= r); }, 'contains': function (l, r) { if ( === '[object Array]') { return Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.indexOf(l, r) >= 0; } else { return l.match(r); } }, 'hasKey': function (l, r) { return, r); }, 'hasValue': function (l, r) { return, r); } } Liquid.ElseCondition = Liquid.Condition.extend({ isElse: true, evaluate: function (context) { return true; }, toString: function () { return ""; } }); Liquid.Drop = Liquid.Class.extend({ setContext: function (context) { this.context = context; }, beforeMethod: function (method) { }, invokeDrop: function (method) { var results = this.beforeMethod(); if (!results && (method in this)) { results = this[method].apply(this); } return results; }, hasKey: function (name) { return true; } }); var hackObjectEach = function (fun /*, thisp*/) { if (typeof fun != "function") throw 'Object.each requires first argument to be a function'; var i = 0; var thisp = arguments[1]; for (var p in this) { var value = this[p], pair = [p, value]; pair.key = p; pair.value = value;, pair, i, this); i++; } return null; }; Liquid.Template.registerTag('assign', Liquid.Tag.extend({ tagSyntax: /((?:\(?[\w\-\.\[\]]\)?)+)\s*=\s*(.+)/, init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax); if (parts) { = parts[1]; this.from = parts[2]; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'assign' - Valid syntax: assign [var] = [source]"); } this._super(tagName, markup, tokens) }, render: function (context) { var value = new Liquid.Variable(this.from); Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.last(context.scopes)[] = value.render(context); return ''; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('cache', Liquid.Block.extend({ tagSyntax: /(\w+)/, init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax) if (parts) { = parts[1]; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'cache' - Valid syntax: cache [var]"); } this._super(tagName, markup, tokens); }, render: function (context) { var output = this._super(context); Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.last(context.scopes)[] = Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output]).join(''); return ''; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('capture', Liquid.Block.extend({ tagSyntax: /(\w+)/, init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax) if (parts) { = parts[1]; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'capture' - Valid syntax: capture [var]"); } this._super(tagName, markup, tokens); }, render: function (context) { var output = this._super(context); Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.last(context.scopes)[] = Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output]).join(''); return ''; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('case', Liquid.Block.extend({ tagSyntax: /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/, tagWhenSyntax: /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)(?:(?:\s+or\s+|\s*\,\s*)("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+.*))?/, init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { this.blocks = []; this.nodelist = []; var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax) if (parts) { this.left = parts[1]; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'case' - Valid syntax: case [condition]"); } this._super(tagName, markup, tokens); }, unknownTag: function (tag, markup, tokens) { switch (tag) { case 'when': this.recordWhenCondition(markup); break; case 'else': this.recordElseCondition(markup); break; default: this._super(tag, markup, tokens); } }, render: function (context) { var self = this, output = [], execElseBlock = true; context.stack(function () { for (var i = 0; i < self.blocks.length; i++) { var block = self.blocks[i]; if (block.isElse) { if (execElseBlock == true) { output = Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output, self.renderAll(block.attachment, context)]); } return output; } else if (block.evaluate(context)) { execElseBlock = false; output = Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output, self.renderAll(block.attachment, context)]); } } ; }); return output; }, recordWhenCondition: function (markup) { while (markup) { var parts = markup.match(this.tagWhenSyntax); if (!parts) { throw ("Syntax error in tag 'case' - Valid when condition: {% when [condition] [or condition2...] %} "); } markup = parts[2]; var block = new Liquid.Condition(this.left, '==', parts[1]); this.blocks.push(block); this.nodelist = block.attach([]); } }, recordElseCondition: function (markup) { if (Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip((markup || '')) != '') { throw ("Syntax error in tag 'case' - Valid else condition: {% else %} (no parameters) ") } var block = new Liquid.ElseCondition(); this.blocks.push(block); this.nodelist = block.attach([]); } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('comment', Liquid.Block.extend({ render: function (context) { return ''; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('cycle', Liquid.Tag.extend({ tagSimpleSyntax: /"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+/, tagNamedSyntax: /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)\s*\:\s*(.*)/, init: function (tag, markup, tokens) { var matches, variables; matches = markup.match(this.tagNamedSyntax); if (matches) { this.variables = this.variablesFromString(matches[2]); = matches[1]; } else { matches = markup.match(this.tagSimpleSyntax); if (matches) { this.variables = this.variablesFromString(markup); = "'" + this.variables.toString() + "'"; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'cycle' - Valid syntax: cycle [name :] var [, var2, var3 ...]"); } } this._super(tag, markup, tokens); }, render: function (context) { var self = this, key = context.get(, output = ''; if (!context.registers['cycle']) { context.registers['cycle'] = {}; } if (!context.registers['cycle'][key]) { context.registers['cycle'][key] = 0; } context.stack(function () { var iter = context.registers['cycle'][key], results = context.get(self.variables[iter]); iter += 1; if (iter == self.variables.length) { iter = 0; } context.registers['cycle'][key] = iter; output = results; }); return output; }, variablesFromString: function (markup) { return','), function (varname) { var match = varname.match(/\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)\s*/); return (match[1]) ? match[1] : null }); } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('for', Liquid.Block.extend({ tagSyntax: /(\w+)\s+in\s+((?:\(?[\w\-\.\[\]]\)?)+)/, init: function (tag, markup, tokens) { var matches = markup.match(this.tagSyntax); if (matches) { this.variableName = matches[1]; this.collectionName = matches[2]; = this.variableName + "-" + this.collectionName; this.attributes = {}; var attrmarkup = markup.replace(this.tagSyntax, ''); var attMatchs = markup.match(/(\w*?)\s*\:\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/g); if (attMatchs) { Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(attMatchs, function (pair) { pair = pair.split(":"); this.attributes[Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip(pair[0])] = Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip(pair[1]); }, this); } } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'for loop' - Valid syntax: for [item] in [collection]"); } this._super(tag, markup, tokens); }, render: function (context) { var self = this, output = [], collection = (context.get(this.collectionName) || []), range = [0, collection.length]; if (!context.registers['for']) { context.registers['for'] = {}; } if (this.attributes['limit'] || this.attributes['offset']) { var offset = 0, limit = 0, rangeEnd = 0, segment = null; if (this.attributes['offset'] == 'continue') { offset = context.registers['for'][]; } else { offset = context.get(this.attributes['offset']) || 0; } limit = context.get(this.attributes['limit']); rangeEnd = (limit) ? offset + limit + 1 : collection.length; range = [offset, rangeEnd - 1]; context.registers['for'][] = rangeEnd; } segment = collection.slice(range[0], range[1]); if (!segment || segment.length == 0) { return ''; } context.stack(function () { var length = segment.length; Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(segment, function (item, index) { context.set(self.variableName, item); context.set('forloop', { name:, length: length, index: (index + 1), index0: index, rindex: (length - index), rindex0: (length - index - 1), first: (index == 0), last: (index == (length - 1)) }); output.push((self.renderAll(self.nodelist, context) || []).join('')); }); }); return Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output]).join(''); } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('if', Liquid.Block.extend({ tagSyntax: /("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)\s*([=!<>a-z_]+)?\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)?/, init: function (tag, markup, tokens) { this.nodelist = []; this.blocks = []; this.pushBlock('if', markup); this._super(tag, markup, tokens); }, unknownTag: function (tag, markup, tokens) { if (Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.include(['elsif', 'else'], tag)) { this.pushBlock(tag, markup); } else { this._super(tag, markup, tokens); } }, render: function (context) { var self = this, output = ''; context.stack(function () { for (var i = 0; i < self.blocks.length; i++) { var block = self.blocks[i]; if (block.evaluate(context)) { output = self.renderAll(block.attachment, context); return; } } ; }) return Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output]).join(''); }, pushBlock: function (tag, markup) { var block; if (tag == 'else') { block = new Liquid.ElseCondition(); } else { var expressions = markup.split(/\b(and|or)\b/).reverse(), expMatches = expressions.shift().match(this.tagSyntax); if (!expMatches) { throw ("Syntax Error in tag '" + tag + "' - Valid syntax: " + tag + " [expression]"); } var condition = new Liquid.Condition(expMatches[1], expMatches[2], expMatches[3]); while (expressions.length > 0) { var operator = expressions.shift(), expMatches = expressions.shift().match(this.tagSyntax); if (!expMatches) { throw ("Syntax Error in tag '" + tag + "' - Valid syntax: " + tag + " [expression]"); } var newCondition = new Liquid.Condition(expMatches[1], expMatches[2], expMatches[3]); newCondition[operator](condition); condition = newCondition; } block = condition; } block.attach([]); this.blocks.push(block); this.nodelist = block.attachment; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('ifchanged', Liquid.Block.extend({ render: function (context) { var self = this, output = ''; context.stack(function () { var results = self.renderAll(self.nodelist, context).join(''); if (results != context.registers['ifchanged']) { output = results; context.registers['ifchanged'] = output; } }); return output; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('include', Liquid.Tag.extend({ tagSyntax: /((?:"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)+)(\s+(?:with|for)\s+((?:"[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)+))?/, init: function (tag, markup, tokens) { var matches = (markup || '').match(this.tagSyntax); if (matches) { this.templateName = matches[1]; this.templateNameVar = this.templateName.substring(1, this.templateName.length - 1); this.variableName = matches[3]; this.attributes = {}; var attMatchs = markup.match(/(\w*?)\s*\:\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s,|]+)/g); if (attMatchs) { Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.each(attMatchs, function (pair) { pair = pair.split(":"); this.attributes[Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip(pair[0])] = Liquid.extensions.stringTools.strip(pair[1]); }, this); } } else { throw ("Error in tag 'include' - Valid syntax: include '[template]' (with|for) [object|collection]"); } this._super(tag, markup, tokens); }, render: function (context) { var self = this, source = Liquid.readTemplateFile(context.get(this.templateName)), partial = Liquid.parse(source), variable = context.get((this.variableName || this.templateNameVar)), output = ''; context.stack(function () { self.attributes.each = hackObjectEach; self.attributes.each(function (pair) { context.set(pair.key, context.get(pair.value)); }) if (variable instanceof Array) { output =, function (variable) { context.set(self.templateNameVar, variable); return partial.render(context); }); } else { context.set(self.templateNameVar, variable); output = partial.render(context); } }); output = Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output]).join(''); return output } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('unless', Liquid.Template.tags['if'].extend({ render: function (context) { var self = this, output = ''; context.stack(function () { var block = self.blocks[0]; if (!block.evaluate(context)) { output = self.renderAll(block.attachment, context); return; } for (var i = 1; i < self.blocks.length; i++) { var block = self.blocks[i]; if (block.evaluate(context)) { output = self.renderAll(block.attachment, context); return; } } ; }) return Liquid.extensions.arrayTools.flatten([output]).join(''); } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('raw', Liquid.Block.extend({ parse: function (tokens) { if (!this.nodelist) this.nodelist = []; this.nodelist.length = 0; var token = tokens.shift(); tokens.push(''); while (tokens.length) { if (/^\{\%/.test(token)) { // It's a tag... var tagParts = token.match(/^\{\%\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)?\%\}$/); if (tagParts) { if (this.blockDelimiter == tagParts[1]) { this.endTag(); return; } } } this.nodelist.push(token || ''); token = tokens.shift(); // Assign the next token to loop again... } this.assertMissingDelimitation(); }, render: function (context) { return this.nodelist.join(''); } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('increment', Liquid.Tag.extend({ tagSyntax: /((?:\(?[\w\-\.\[\]]\)?)+)/, init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax); console.log(tagName, markup, tokens); console.log(parts[1]); if (parts) { = parts[1]; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'assign' - Valid syntax: increment [var]"); } this._super(tagName, markup, tokens) }, render: function (context) { var self = this, key =, output = ''; if (!context.registers['increment']) { context.registers['increment'] = {}; } if (!context.registers['increment'][key]) { context.registers['increment'][key] = 0; } output = String(context.registers['increment'][key]); context.registers['increment'][key]++; return output; } })); Liquid.Template.registerTag('decrement', Liquid.Tag.extend({ tagSyntax: /((?:\(?[\w\-\.\[\]]\)?)+)/, init: function (tagName, markup, tokens) { var parts = markup.match(this.tagSyntax); console.log(tagName, markup, tokens); console.log(parts[1]); if (parts) { = parts[1]; } else { throw ("Syntax error in 'assign' - Valid syntax: decrement [var]"); } this._super(tagName, markup, tokens) }, render: function (context) { var self = this, key =, output = ''; if (!context.registers['decrement']) { context.registers['decrement'] = {}; } if (!context.registers['decrement'][key]) { context.registers['decrement'][key] = -1; } output = String(context.registers['decrement'][key]); context.registers['decrement'][key]--; return output; } })); Liquid.Template.registerFilter({ _HTML_ESCAPE_MAP: { '&': '&', '>': '>', '<': '<', '"': '"', "'": ''' }, size: function (iterable) { return (iterable['length']) ? iterable.length : 0; }, downcase: function (input) { return input.toString().toLowerCase(); }, upcase: function (input) { return input.toString().toUpperCase(); }, capitalize: function (input) { return Liquid.extensions.stringTools.capitalize(input.toString()); }, escape: function (input) { var self = this; return input.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function (chr) { return self._HTML_ESCAPE_MAP[chr]; }); }, h: function (input) { var self = this; return input.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function (chr) { return self._HTML_ESCAPE_MAP[chr]; }); }, default: function (input, default_value) { return Liquid.extensions.object.isEmpty(input) ? default_value : input; }, truncate: function (input, length, string) { if (!input || input == '') { return ''; } length = length || 50; string = string || "..."; var seg = input.slice(0, length); return (input.length > length ? input.slice(0, length) + string : input); }, truncatewords: function (input, words, string) { if (!input || input == '') { return ''; } words = parseInt(words || 15); string = string || '...'; var wordlist = input.toString().split(" "), l = Math.max((words), 0); return (wordlist.length > l) ? wordlist.slice(0, l).join(' ') + string : input; }, truncate_words: function (input, words, string) { if (!input || input == '') { return ''; } words = parseInt(words || 15); string = string || '...'; var wordlist = input.toString().split(" "), l = Math.max((words), 0); return (wordlist.length > l) ? wordlist.slice(0, l).join(' ') + string : input; }, strip_html: function (input) { return input.toString().replace(/<.*?>/g, ''); }, strip_newlines: function (input) { return input.toString().replace(/\n/g, '') }, join: function (input, separator) { separator = separator || ' '; return input.join(separator); }, split: function (input, separator) { separator = separator || ' '; return input.split(separator); }, sort: function (input) { return input.sort(); }, reverse: function (input) { return input.reverse(); }, replace: function (input, string, replacement) { replacement = replacement || ''; return input.toString().replace(new RegExp(string, 'g'), replacement); }, replace_first: function (input, string, replacement) { replacement = replacement || ''; return input.toString().replace(new RegExp(string, ""), replacement); }, newline_to_br: function (input) { return input.toString().replace(/\n/g, "
\n"); }, date: function (input, format) { var date; if (input instanceof Date) { date = input; } if (!(date instanceof Date) && input == 'now') { date = new Date(); } if (!(date instanceof Date) && typeof (input) == 'number') { date = new Date(input * 1000); } if (!(date instanceof Date) && typeof (input) == 'string') { date = new Date(Date.parse(input)); } if (!(date instanceof Date)) { return input; } // Punt return date.strftime(format); }, first: function (input) { return input[0]; }, last: function (input) { input = input; return input[input.length - 1]; }, minus: function (input, number) { return (Number(input) || 0) - (Number(number) || 0); }, plus: function (input, number) { return (Number(input) || 0) + (Number(number) || 0); }, times: function (input, number) { return (Number(input) || 0) * (Number(number) || 0); }, divided_by: function (input, number) { return (Number(input) || 0) / (Number(number) || 0); }, modulo: function (input, number) { return (Number(input) || 0) % (Number(number) || 0); }, map: function (input, property) { input = input || []; var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { results.push(input[i][property]); } return results; }, escape_once: function (input) { var self = this; return input.replace(/["><']|&(?!([a-zA-Z]+|(#\d+));)/g, function (chr) { return self._HTML_ESCAPE_MAP[chr]; }); }, remove: function (input, string) { return input.toString().replace(new RegExp(string, 'g'), ''); }, remove_first: function (input, string) { return input.toString().replace(string, ''); }, prepend: function (input, string) { return '' + (string || '').toString() + (input || '').toString(); }, append: function (input, string) { return '' + (input || '').toString() + (string || '').toString(); } }); if (!(new Date()).strftime) { (function () { Date.ext = {}; Date.ext.util = {}; Date.ext.util.xPad = function (x, pad, r) { if (typeof (r) == "undefined") { r = 10 } for (; parseInt(x, 10) < r && r > 1; r /= 10) { x = pad.toString() + x } return x.toString() }; Date.prototype.locale = "en-GB"; if (document.getElementsByTagName("html") && document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].lang) { Date.prototype.locale = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].lang } Date.ext.locales = {}; Date.ext.locales.en = {a: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], A: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], b: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], B: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], c: "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z", p: ["AM", "PM"], P: ["am", "pm"], x: "%d/%m/%y", X: "%T"}; if (typeof JSON != 'undefined') { Date.ext.locales['en-US'] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Date.ext.locales.en)); } else { Date.ext.locales["en-US"] = Date.ext.locales.en; } ; Date.ext.locales["en-US"].c = "%a %d %b %Y %r %Z"; Date.ext.locales["en-US"].x = "%D"; Date.ext.locales["en-US"].X = "%r"; Date.ext.locales["en-GB"] = Date.ext.locales.en; Date.ext.locales["en-AU"] = Date.ext.locales["en-GB"]; Date.ext.formats = {a: function (d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].a[d.getDay()] }, A: function (d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].A[d.getDay()] }, b: function (d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].b[d.getMonth()] }, B: function (d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].B[d.getMonth()] }, c: "toLocaleString", C: function (d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(d.getFullYear() / 100, 10), 0) }, d: ["getDate", "0"], e: ["getDate", " "], g: function (d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(Date.ext.util.G(d) / 100, 10), 0) }, G: function (d) { var y = d.getFullYear(); var V = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.V(d), 10); var W = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.W(d), 10); if (W > V) { y++ } else { if (W === 0 && V >= 52) { y-- } } return y }, H: ["getHours", "0"], I: function (d) { var I = d.getHours() % 12; return Date.ext.util.xPad(I === 0 ? 12 : I, 0) }, j: function (d) { var ms = d - new Date("" + d.getFullYear() + "/1/1 GMT"); ms += d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; var doy = parseInt(ms / 60000 / 60 / 24, 10) + 1; return Date.ext.util.xPad(doy, 0, 100) }, m: function (d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(d.getMonth() + 1, 0) }, M: ["getMinutes", "0"], p: function (d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].p[d.getHours() >= 12 ? 1 : 0] }, P: function (d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].P[d.getHours() >= 12 ? 1 : 0] }, S: ["getSeconds", "0"], u: function (d) { var dow = d.getDay(); return dow === 0 ? 7 : dow }, U: function (d) { var doy = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.j(d), 10); var rdow = 6 - d.getDay(); var woy = parseInt((doy + rdow) / 7, 10); return Date.ext.util.xPad(woy, 0) }, V: function (d) { var woy = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.W(d), 10); var dow1_1 = (new Date("" + d.getFullYear() + "/1/1")).getDay(); var idow = woy + (dow1_1 > 4 || dow1_1 <= 1 ? 0 : 1); if (idow == 53 && (new Date("" + d.getFullYear() + "/12/31")).getDay() < 4) { idow = 1 } else { if (idow === 0) { idow = Date.ext.formats.V(new Date("" + (d.getFullYear() - 1) + "/12/31")) } } return Date.ext.util.xPad(idow, 0) }, w: "getDay", W: function (d) { var doy = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.j(d), 10); var rdow = 7 - Date.ext.formats.u(d); var woy = parseInt((doy + rdow) / 7, 10); return Date.ext.util.xPad(woy, 0, 10) }, y: function (d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(d.getFullYear() % 100, 0) }, Y: "getFullYear", z: function (d) { var o = d.getTimezoneOffset(); var H = Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(Math.abs(o / 60), 10), 0); var M = Date.ext.util.xPad(o % 60, 0); return(o > 0 ? "-" : "+") + H + M }, Z: function (d) { return d.toString().replace(/^.*\(([^)]+)\)$/, "$1") }, "%": function (d) { return"%" }}; Date.ext.aggregates = {c: "locale", D: "%m/%d/%y", h: "%b", n: "\n", r: "%I:%M:%S %p", R: "%H:%M", t: "\t", T: "%H:%M:%S", x: "locale", X: "locale"}; Date.ext.aggregates.z = Date.ext.formats.z(new Date()); Date.ext.aggregates.Z = Date.ext.formats.Z(new Date()); Date.ext.unsupported = {}; Date.prototype.strftime = function (fmt) { if (!(this.locale in Date.ext.locales)) { if (this.locale.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]+$/, "") in Date.ext.locales) { this.locale = this.locale.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]+$/, "") } else { this.locale = "en-GB" } } var d = this; while (fmt.match(/%[cDhnrRtTxXzZ]/)) { fmt = fmt.replace(/%([cDhnrRtTxXzZ])/g, function (m0, m1) { var f = Date.ext.aggregates[m1]; return(f == "locale" ? Date.ext.locales[d.locale][m1] : f) }) } var str = fmt.replace(/%([aAbBCdegGHIjmMpPSuUVwWyY%])/g, function (m0, m1) { var f = Date.ext.formats[m1]; if (typeof (f) == "string") { return d[f]() } else { if (typeof (f) == "function") { return, d) } else { if (typeof (f) == "object" && typeof (f[0]) == "string") { return Date.ext.util.xPad(d[f[0]](), f[1]) } else { return m1 } } } }); d = null; return str }; })(); } /*! * Cross-Browser Split 1.1.1 * Copyright 2007-2012 Steven Levithan * Available under the MIT License * ECMAScript compliant, uniform cross-browser split method */ /** * Splits a string into an array of strings using a regex or string separator. Matches of the * separator are not included in the result array. However, if `separator` is a regex that contains * capturing groups, backreferences are spliced into the result each time `separator` is matched. * Fixes browser bugs compared to the native `String.prototype.split` and can be used reliably * cross-browser. * @param {String} str String to split. * @param {RegExp|String} separator Regex or string to use for separating the string. * @param {Number} [limit] Maximum number of items to include in the result array. * @returns {Array} Array of substrings. * @example * * // Basic use * split('a b c d', ' '); * // -> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] * * // With limit * split('a b c d', ' ', 2); * // -> ['a', 'b'] * * // Backreferences in result array * split('..word1 word2..', /([a-z]+)(\d+)/i); * // -> ['..', 'word', '1', ' ', 'word', '2', '..'] */ var split; split = split || function (undef) { var nativeSplit = String.prototype.split, compliantExecNpcg = /()??/.exec("")[1] === undef, // NPCG: nonparticipating capturing group self; self = function (str, separator, limit) { if ( !== "[object RegExp]") { return, separator, limit); } var output = [], flags = (separator.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (separator.multiline ? "m" : "") + (separator.extended ? "x" : "") + // Proposed for ES6 (separator.sticky ? "y" : ""), // Firefox 3+ lastLastIndex = 0, separator = new RegExp(separator.source, flags + "g"), separator2, match, lastIndex, lastLength; str += ""; // Type-convert if (!compliantExecNpcg) { separator2 = new RegExp("^" + separator.source + "$(?!\\s)", flags); } /* Values for `limit`, per the spec: * If undefined: 4294967295 // Math.pow(2, 32) - 1 * If 0, Infinity, or NaN: 0 * If positive number: limit = Math.floor(limit); if (limit > 4294967295) limit -= 4294967296; * If negative number: 4294967296 - Math.floor(Math.abs(limit)) * If other: Type-convert, then use the above rules */ limit = limit === undef ? -1 >>> 0 : // Math.pow(2, 32) - 1 limit >>> 0; // ToUint32(limit) while (match = separator.exec(str)) { lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length; if (lastIndex > lastLastIndex) { output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex, match.index)); if (!compliantExecNpcg && match.length > 1) { match[0].replace(separator2, function () { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++) { if (arguments[i] === undef) { match[i] = undef; } } }); } if (match.length > 1 && match.index < str.length) { Array.prototype.push.apply(output, match.slice(1)); } lastLength = match[0].length; lastLastIndex = lastIndex; if (output.length >= limit) { break; } } if (separator.lastIndex === match.index) { separator.lastIndex++; // Avoid an infinite loop } } if (lastLastIndex === str.length) { if (lastLength || !separator.test("")) { output.push(""); } } else { output.push(str.slice(lastLastIndex)); } return output.length > limit ? output.slice(0, limit) : output; }; String.prototype.split = function (separator, limit) { return self(this, separator, limit); }; return self; }(); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = Liquid; } exports.Liquid = Liquid; }